domingo, 26 de agosto de 2012
India: diversas organizaciones de masas organizan manifestación de protesta contra la expulsión arbitraria de cientos de trabajadores de Maruti Suzuki
Delhi Metro Kamgar Unión:
"Esfuerzos por comprar la paz laboral para encubrir las verdaderas razones del incidente
en Suzuki Maruti sólo conducirán a un mayor malestar "
Nueva Delhi, 21 de agosto.
Diversas organizaciones de masas, sindicatos y activistas sociales realizaron una manifestación de protesta en Jantar Mantar contra la expulsión arbitraria de cientos de trabajadores de Maruti Suzuki y la continua persecución de los trabajadores. Los manifestantes también presentaron un memorándum al ministro para revocar la suspensión de los trabajadores.
Es de señalar que la planta de Maruti Suzuki ha abierto después de un paro de un mes. Sin embargo, la administración ha anunciado la expulsión de 500 trabajadores permanentes. También el futuro de más de 1500 trabajadores con contrato sigue siendo incierto.
A pesar de las fuertes lluvias, gran número de trabajadores y activistas procedentes de Delhi, Ghaziabad, Noida y Gurgaon participaron en la manifestación.
Los oradores condenaron firmemente la decisión dictatorial de la gestión de Maruti Suzuki, dijeron que la actitud antiobrera del gobierno de Haryana y el gobierno central está expuesta a través de su apoyo a este acto de empujar a cientos de trabajadores y sus familias en la calle.
Los oradores mencionaron que el incidente del 18 de julio en Maruti Suzuki no fue un acto planificado de violencia, sino una explosión de ira de los trabajadores contra las políticas de la empresa. Nadie se molestó en entender la causa de los trabajadores, que sufrian cada vez mayor explotación y vejaciones mientras la empresa aumentaba los beneficios.
El pasado 18 de julio estallo un motín de los trabajadores en la fábrica de Maruti Suzuki tras el despido de un empleado que había abofeteado a un directivo después de que le infligiera un trato degradante. Como consecuencia de los disturbios y rebelión de los trabajadores el director general de la fábrica resulto muerto y 40 ejecutivos fueron heridos.
La policia acuso a los trabajadores protagonistas de la rebelión de tener vinculos con los maoístas.
Desde hace mucho tiempo atrás los trabajadores de Maruti Suzuki vienen luchando por sus derechos. Para muestra este enlace:
Actualmente el Partido Comunista de la India (Maoísta) esta incrementando el trabajo en las ciudades a través de organizaciones de masas. Cada vez son más las ciudades donde los maoístas tienen fuerte presencia. Por ello viene el nerviosismo de las autoridades reaccionarias indias.
viernes, 24 de agosto de 2012
CHAKRAVYUH: pelicula sobre la Guerra Popular en la India
La película aborda la Guerra Popular en la India y la guerrilla maoísta-naxalita que la protagoniza.
Es un thriler político que narra la historia de un policía sin escrúpulos que le pide a su mejor amigo que se infiltre en la guerrilla maoísta de la región, pero este al ver las injusticias que se cometen contra el pueblo decide cambiar de bando y unirse a la guerrilla maoísta. El filme se estrena el 24 de octubre.
miércoles, 22 de agosto de 2012
India: maoístas aniquilan a reaccionario miembro de gobierno local en Odisha
El cuerpo de Sukra Khurami, miembro de Gram Panchayat (institución de gobierno local), fue encontrado en la zona de Padia en el distrito de Malkangiri en Odisha, informó la policía el 21 de agosto.
Sukra Khurami (45 años) estaba desaparecido desde el 20 de agosto. El cuerpo de Sukra fue encontrado en el bosque en las afueras de la aldea. Era un reaccionario que ya había sido advertido por los maoístas.
Por otro lado, más de 3000 activistas y partidarios de la organización de masas maoísta Chasi Mulia Adivasi Sangha (CMAS) protestaron en el bloque de Bandhugaon en el distrito de Koraput contra el asesinato del 'comandante maoísta' Rajendra alias Teli Kadraka en un supuesto encuentro con la policia el pasado 19 de agosto.
Denunciaron que la policía de distrito mató a Rajendra en un falso encuentro. También mantuvieron que Rajendra era un inocente y que no tenía ninguna conexión con cualquier actividad maoísta.
¡¡¡ Apoyar la Guerra Popular en la India !!!
¡¡¡ Apoyar la Guerra Popular en la India !!!
lunes, 20 de agosto de 2012
México se une a la Campaña Internacional Contra la Guerra de Agresión al Pueblo Indio, con su Capítulo México
México se une a la Campaña Internacional Contra la Guerra de Agresión al Pueblo Indio, con su Capítulo México con una serie de traducciones de textos importantes que son importantes para entender la agrsión sistemática a los derechos de los pueblos de India por parte del Estado represor. Anexamos el texto con el cual se presenta la campaña al mundo:
Sobre nosotros…
El gobierno hindú ha declarado una Guerra en contra de la población de hindú. Más de 100,00 miembros de las fuerzas parlamentarias, fuerzas especiales, y de la fuerza aérea, han lanzado una ofensiva militar sin precedentes, llamada casería verde, en las regiones forestales de la india oriental y central, lugar donde viven los adivasis (habitantes indígenas) los más pobres de los pobres que viven en la India. Mientras que el gobierno aclama que esta guerra solo tiene como objetivo a los Maoístas, pero en realidad su objetivo es apoderarse de los minerales ricos y de los recursos naturales de esas zonas y entregárselas a empresas multinacionales quienes las explotarán para su propia ganancia.
Las personas de estas regiones se están organizando y han empezado a resistir ferozmente contra el ataque hacia ellos, su tierra y hacia su sustento por parte del Estado Indio. Dado que esta brutal ofensiva se lanzó, el gobierno está cerrando los accesos a estas regiones, hacia los medios, a activistas civiles y otros civiles con mentalidad democrática. Se han cometido evidentes violaciones hacia los derechos democráticos del pueblo y están en aumento
Hemos puesto en marcha esta página de internet para brindar noticias y un análisis de estos eventos para las personas de todo el mundo, y también para proveer herramientas para la campaña.
Hay que unirnos para enmascarar al gobierno indio y su Guerra contra la población hindú, para la construcción de una tormenta de críticas en todo el mundo, para participar en protestas en contra de la guerra y para forjar lazos de solidaridad con las personas de la india que están luchando.
India: noticias de la Guerra Popular en los últimos días
En la foto Estatua en Honor a los Mártires de la Revolución
17 de agosto de 2012
CHANDRAPUR. Policías de la estación policial de Kasansoor frustraron una emboscada preparada por la guerrilla maoísta al desenterrar los explosivos ocultos bajo una bandera contra el "Día de la Independencia" el miércoles.
Los policías desactivan la trampa explosiva y recuperaron dos cajas de acero llenas de explosivos junto a un detonador y cable eléctrico.
Fuentes policiales dijeron que los naxalitas habían instalado una pancarta contra la celebración del día de la independencia en el mercado de Kasansoor. Para la obtención de información los policías cautelosamente se acercaron a la escena. y tras un examen descubrieron que era una trampa-bomba.
17 de agosto de 2012
Maoístas izaron una bandera negra contra el "Día de la Independencia" en Sawargaon, una aldea a apenas un kilómetro de un campamento de la policía de frontera en la frontera de Chhattisgarh-Maharashtra.
"Esto debe haber ocurrido a finales de la noche. Habíamos preparado el terreno para la ceremonia del día de la independencia. Encontramos la bandera negra cuando nos despertamos," dijo un aldeano a un reportero de prensa el miércoles.
En Nadekal los maoístas construyeron una Estatua en Honor a los Mártires de la Revolución. Nadekal, con una población de unas 300 personas, fue noticia el mes pasado cuando 218 representantes de un organismo local presentaron sus renuncias masivamente en protesta contra las atrocidades de la policía y por el no cumplimiento de las exigencias de desarrollo.
18 de agosto de 2012
Maoístas cavaron zanjas en una porción de la carretera de Kothapalli en Dummugudem, a pocos kilómetros de la frontera interestatal con Chhattisgarh, en la madrugada del viernes con motivo de una convocatoria de Banth (huelga) contra los excesos de la policia en la zona.
Como resultado, el tráfico en el Cherupalli-Kothapalli se vio interrumpido durante varias horas. La bandh fue convocada por el Comité de área de Venkatapuram para protestar contra los excesos policiales cometidos en la zona contra los campesinos pobres.
Debido a la huelga se suspendió el tráfico de autobuses en varias zonas de Bhadrachalam.
19 de agosto de 2012
Koraput. Un líder maoísta fue asesinado esta noche durante un feroz encuentro con las fuerzas de seguridad en un bosque del distrito de Koraput en Odisha, informó la policía.
El maoísta identificado como Kadraka Esteli, fue asesinado en el tiroteo con jawans (policias) del Grupo Especial de Operaciones (SOG) en la zona de Bandhugaon-Badamatura.
El encuentro tuvo lugar presuntamente cuando los maoístas presentes en el bosque fueron avistados por el personal de seguridad durante una operación de peinado, informó la policía.
¡¡¡ Viva la Guerra Popular en la India !!!
sábado, 18 de agosto de 2012
Informe especial del medio noticioso SBS, narrado por Vicky Strobl el 19 de junio de 2011. En el presente informe especial, la reportera viaja al centro de la selva de Dandakaranya en el corazón de la India, para conocer de primera mano al grupo rebelde maoista que ya lleva más de 40 años de rebelión y GUERRA POPULAR en contra de las reaccionarias clases dominantes en la India.
Tomado del blog camarada REVOLUCIÓN CULTURAL
jueves, 16 de agosto de 2012
India: maoístas izaron banderas negras en Bihar para protestar por el "Día de la Independencia".
Militantes del Partido Comunista de la India (Maoísta) izaron banderas negras en ocho distritos de Bihar el 15 de agosto para protestar el "Día de la independencia", informó la policía.
Las banderas negras fueron vistas en la cimas de las escuelas y algunos edificios en Gaya, Aurangabad, Jehanabad, Arwal, Vaishali, Sitamarhi, East Champaran y Muzaffarpur, dijo un oficial.
Mientras tanto, cuadros maoístas también detuvieron los trenes en la noche del 14 de agosto en la estación de ferrocarril de Ismailpur cerca de distrito de Gaya. "Maoístas atacaron la estación de ferrocarril y obligaron al jefe de estación a activar la señal roja y parar todos los trenes, incluyendo la Rajdhani Express", dijo el funcionario.
Las banderas negras fueron vistas en la cimas de las escuelas y algunos edificios en Gaya, Aurangabad, Jehanabad, Arwal, Vaishali, Sitamarhi, East Champaran y Muzaffarpur, dijo un oficial.
Mientras tanto, cuadros maoístas también detuvieron los trenes en la noche del 14 de agosto en la estación de ferrocarril de Ismailpur cerca de distrito de Gaya. "Maoístas atacaron la estación de ferrocarril y obligaron al jefe de estación a activar la señal roja y parar todos los trenes, incluyendo la Rajdhani Express", dijo el funcionario.
martes, 14 de agosto de 2012
India: ataques de la guerrilla naxalita en visperas del "Día de la Independencia"
14 de agosto 2012
La guerrilla maoísta dio muerte a un guardia, Narayan Sunani, que trabajaba en la estación de policía de Odisha en vísperas del Día de la Independencia, este martes. Sunani estaba trabajando como guardia en la comisaría local de Paikmal.
Folletos y carteles djados por los guerrilleros en el lugar llamaban a la gente a no cooperar con la policía. También hacian un llamamiento al pueblo para celebrar el "Día de la Independencia" como un día negro.
Por otra parte presuntos naxalitas han incendiado tres vehículos pesados en Sukma incluyendo un camión, una excavadora Poclain y un compactador de asfalto desplegados en un sitio de construcción de carreteras. Alrededor de 200 guerrilleros maoístas llegaron al lugar y prendieron fuego a los vehículos.
Las fuerzas policiales se encuentran en alerta ante posibles ataques de la guerrilla maoísta por las celebraciones del "Día de la Independencia", el cual es denunciado por el PCI (Maoísta) como una farsa.
¡¡¡ Viva la Guerra Popular en la India !!!
La guerrilla maoísta dio muerte a un guardia, Narayan Sunani, que trabajaba en la estación de policía de Odisha en vísperas del Día de la Independencia, este martes. Sunani estaba trabajando como guardia en la comisaría local de Paikmal.
Folletos y carteles djados por los guerrilleros en el lugar llamaban a la gente a no cooperar con la policía. También hacian un llamamiento al pueblo para celebrar el "Día de la Independencia" como un día negro.
Por otra parte presuntos naxalitas han incendiado tres vehículos pesados en Sukma incluyendo un camión, una excavadora Poclain y un compactador de asfalto desplegados en un sitio de construcción de carreteras. Alrededor de 200 guerrilleros maoístas llegaron al lugar y prendieron fuego a los vehículos.
Las fuerzas policiales se encuentran en alerta ante posibles ataques de la guerrilla maoísta por las celebraciones del "Día de la Independencia", el cual es denunciado por el PCI (Maoísta) como una farsa.
¡¡¡ Viva la Guerra Popular en la India !!!
(Video) Revolución en la India
Elaborado por los camaradas de la Unión Obrera Comunista (MLM)
¡¡¡ Viva la Guerra Popular en la India !!!
domingo, 12 de agosto de 2012
El PCI (Maoísta) expulsa a Sabyasachi Panda del partido por su traición
[A continuación traducimos pasajes importantes del comunicado del Partido Comunista de la India (Maoísta) del pasado 16 de julio sobre la expulsión de Sabyasachi Panda]
Partido Comunista de India (Maoísta)
Comité Central -
Comunicado de prensa 16 de julio de 2012
"El CC del PCI (Maoísta) rechaza todos los alegatos viciosos, infundados y simulados por Sabyasachi Panda en complicidad con las clases dominantes y le expulsa del partido por su traición".
"Sabyasachi Panda, secretario de nuestro Comité Organizador estatal de Odisha publicó una carta en los medios de comunicación el 14/07/2012 de 16 páginas dirigida al Secretario General de nuestro partido, camarada Ganapathy. En connivencia de las clases dominantes escupe veneno del PCI (Maoísta) y el movimiento revolucionario dirigido por él, asi como arroja varias denuncias infundadas y ha fabricado mentiras. Publicó esta carta con la malvada intención de liquidar el partido y movimiento revolucionario, descartar la ideología del Marxismo-Leninismo-Maoísmo y abandonar el partido de vanguardia del proletariado. Declaró abiertamente que él completamente se disocia de la línea de guerra popular y práctica revolucionaria y ha expuesto su rostro de moderno revisionista".
"Sabyasachi Panda de la manera más abominable, torcida y conspirativa traicionó al partido y a la revolución, y a la gran causa de las masas trabajadoras, particularmente de las masas oprimidas de Odisha y demostró ser un renegado".
"Su carta de 16 páginas está llena de mentiras podridas, distorsiones de hechos y no hay un ápice de verdad en los hechos que señala".
"Es un secreto a voces que lo ha lanzado con la intención malvada y terrible de cumplir sus motivos políticos egoístas que sirven a las clases dominantes".
"El movimiento revolucionario liderado por el PCI (Maoísta) sigue el camino de la Guerra Popular Prolongada y construye el movimiento revolucionario para finalmente hacerse con el poder político en todo el país, difundiendo desde áreas más pequeñas a zonas más grandes, en áreas aisladas de todo el país, y mediante el desarrollo de una pequeña fuerza a una fuerza poderosa. Desde el principio con una perspectiva estratégica despliega sus fuerzas en diversas áreas en consecuencia y realiza el trabajo".
"El alegato que Ganapathy quiere establecer una dictadura basada en el terror y el miedo es tan ridículo que en realidad no merece una explicación. El PCI (Maoísta) no es cualquier partido burgués. Su objetivo inmediato es derrocar el actual sistema semifeudal, semicolonial en nuestro país y establecer el nuevo gobierno democrático revolucionario, es decir, la Dictadura Democrática de cuatro clases: obreros, campesinos, pequeña-burguesía y burguesía nacional bajo el liderazgo del proletariado y basada en la unidad Obrero-Campesino. Su objetivo es el establecimiento del socialismo y el comunismo".
"Panda defendio una línea de derecha oportunista sobre algunas cuestiones políticas que salieron a la palestra durante el movimiento de Odisha y finalmente se convirtio en un revisionista que rechaza la línea de guerra popular prolongada".
"Estos oportunistas y renegados toman el lado de las clases dominantes y recurren a todo tipo de alegatos para encubrir tal hecho. En el pasado ha habido tales renegados no sólo en la historia de nuestra partido, sino también en las revoluciones de diversos países y Panda no sería el último de ellos".
Partido Comunista de la India (Maoísta)

CC, CPI (Maoist) out rightly rejects all the vicious, baseless and sham allegations made by Sabyasachi Panda In cahoots with the ruling classes And expels him from the party for his betrayal
Sabyasachi Panda, the secretary of our Odisha State Organizing Committee released a 16-page letter addressed to the General Secretary of our party, Comrade Ganapathy to the media on 14-07-2012. In cahoots with the ruling classes he spit venom on the CPI (Maoist) and the revolutionary movement led by it and hurled several baseless, sham allegations and fabricated lies. He released this letter with the evil intention of liquidating the party and the revolutionary movement, discarded the ideology of Marxism-Leninism-Maoism and left the vanguard party of the proletariat. He openly declared that he is completely disassociating himself from the People’s War line and revolutionary practice and exposed his modern revisionist face.
In the most abominable, crooked and conspiratorial manner he betrayed the party and revolution and the great cause of the toiling masses, particularly of the oppressed masses of Odisha and proved himself to be a renegade Sabyasachi Panda worked for some period in the CPI (M) and later in the CPI (ML)-Liberation. He was influenced by the revolutionary movement and joined the erstwhile CPI (ML) [PU] in 1998 leaving the right opportunist Liberation party. Due to the merger of parties he continued to work in the erstwhile CPI (ML) [PW] and latter in CPI (Maoist). He worked as a member of the AOBSZC between 2003 and 2005, as a member of Odisha State Organizing Committee from 2005 and as its secretary since 2008.
In his 15 year long practice, though he worked in a revolutionary party he failed to transform himself into a genuine proletarian revolutionary and had been criticized several times by his colleagues, cadres and the CC comrades for his anti-revolutionary opportunist political views, stands and practice. Even in the state level Special Plenum held in December last year, when he was criticized he accepted only some of his mistakes that too for namesake and escaped answering some of them. This coward ran away leaving the revolutionary movement instead of sincerely realizing and rectifying his mistakes like a true proletarian revolutionary.
His 16-page letter is full of rotten lies, distortions and twisting of facts and there is not an iota of truth in them whatsoever. They were hurled with the most awful intention of liquidation and destruction of revolutionary movement in Odisha and damaging the image of our party that is serving as a ray of hope for the toiling masses and renowned for dedication to a great cause, the cause of liberation of our country and selfless unparalleled sacrifices.
It is an open secret that he hurled them with the evil and appalling intention of fulfilling his selfish political motives that serve the ruling classes. Ruling classes bring to the fore people like Panda to gain legitimacy for the foul propaganda they carry on about the revolutionary movement and such phenomena occur frequently in history. The enemy has been hurling such fabricated lies on several of our leaders like comrades Charu Mazumdar and Kanhai Chatterji, on our party and the revolutionary movement ever since the launch of the revolutionary movement by keeping opportunists like Panda in the front.
Before going into the allegations made by Panda and the reasons behind them, we want to clearly state the fact that our party conducts meetings, plenums and conferences in order to correct and improve our practice and to advance with higher tasks. It realizes its mistakes and corrects them through criticism – self-criticism, reviews and rectification campaigns taken up specifically. This is a continuous process. Panda’s evil intentions can be gauged from the fact that in spite of knowing all these things he placed before the people his 16-pages of sham allegations. The actual fact is that he decided to leave the party as he was not ready to rectify himself in such a process.
The list of Mr. Panda’s filthy and foul-smelling allegations is long enough, some of the allegations he hurled prominently are as follows :
1. Violence for no reason and killings of innocent persons has become the norm for the Maoists; cadres are being ordered to kill innocent and unarmed policemen indiscriminately 2. There is domination of Telugu and Koya comrades in the Party. 3. Adivasis are exploited the most by the Maoists, they are made to cook and carry luggage; cadre are not allowed to meet their families even during festivals; Adivasi women are being exploited sexually by the Maoists 4. Ganapathy wants to establish a dictatorship based on terror and fear.
State suppresses people fighting for their rights with all kinds of weapons available with it. And if that fight is for the liberation of the people i.e., for the political power of the toiling masses, the state suppresses it most severely. Its police, paramilitary and military carry on this offensive from the front while all its other components participate most cruelly in the offensive in a planned, coordinated and conspiratorial manner. So it becomes absolutely necessary for people to resort to armed struggle.
Anybody who knows ABC of Marxism would know about this fundamental and primary principle about revolutionary violence. Nobody would think that Panda did not know about this party line when he left the right opportunist CPI (ML)-Liberation party, accepted the line of the revolutionary party and joined the party and when he accepted the line of the Unity Congress.
However as Panda wanted to disassociate himself from the party, he is spitting venom that Maoists resort to violence for no reason and that they are killing innocent people. He is trying to show that he is opposing all this so that the Indian state takes a benevolent attitude towards him. Class enemies like Laxmananand and Jagbandhu, government armed forces and officers who carry on the state repression and participate in it, who severely torture the people, destroy their lives in all aspects and resort to killings, are suddenly being perceived as innocents by Panda. He is displaying more faith than the master to kowtow before the ruling classes and is surpassing the enemy foul propaganda in uttering lies.
Panda is resorting to the age-old cheap ‘divide and rule’ tactic of the British colonialists and the Indian ruling classes who are retracing their steps by making the allegation that Telugu and Koya comrades are dominating in Odisha. The revolutionary movement led by CPI (Maoist) follows the path of Protracted People’s War and builds the revolutionary movement to finally seize political power all over the country by spreading from smaller areas to vaster areas, isolated areas to all over the country, and by developing from a small force to a mighty force. From the beginning with a strategic outlook it deploys its forces in various areas accordingly and carries on the work.
It develops local mass base, develops party and army and establishes area-wise political power. By following this line, it brings a change in the strength of forces, finally surrounds the cities and captures political power all over the country. Keeping this in view, every member of our party must be prepared to go to any part of the country to work. Moreover, as internationalists communists must be prepared to go any country or area and work shoulder to shoulder with the people there for their liberation. The entire history of Indian revolution indicates that revolutionary movement spread to various parts of the country due to the determined and revolutionary efforts of comrades who left their areas and states and went to other areas and states to work.
Such comrades learnt the languages, respected the cultures of the people there and integrated themselves with them.
The movements built in new areas are proof of this collective effort of comrades. Due to his narrow-minded regionalism not just today, but Panda could never accept the fact that comrades from other states are coming and working in Odisha. Instead of appreciating the selflessness of those comrades he continuously and conspiratorially tried to create a divide between them and the Odiya comrades by resorting to factionist methods. Panda displayed narrow-minded regional chauvinism towards comrades from other states who came to work in Odisha according to the needs of the movement and behaved in a domineering, undemocratic and sectarian manner with them.
The fact is Odiya people and the Odiya comrades have happily welcomed and accepted the fact that comrades from Andhra Pradesh, Jharkhand and Chhattisgarh are coming to work for them and with them. We hope that those handful of cadres who are with Panda would rethink about the People’s War path, see through the lie and expose him by realizing his conspiracies.
Nothing could be more deceiving than Panda shedding crocodile tears like the ruling class butchers and hurling accusations about the ‘exploitation of Adivasis’ by the Maoists even while discarding the aim of liberating the Adivasis as part of people’s revolutionary movement. For Panda who never participated in collective works while he was in the party, the striving of Adivasi comrades for revolution by bringing out their energy to the full voluntarily and with the highest level of revolutionary consciousness is looking like ‘exploitation by Maoists’ after he wore the glasses of the ruling classes. And, who are Maoists? Who are Adivasis? Are not all the Adivasi comrades inside the party Maoists? We are not at all surprised that the individual labor necessary in the daily life of a revolutionary movement, the collective labor necessary in military, technical, production-development,welfare and other fields and the various kinds of labor that people do in the course of people’s movements looks like ‘exploitation by Maoists’ to this brand new opportunist who left the revolution and became an apologist for the ruling classes.
In a proletarian party everybody does one’s own work as part of daily life. Everybody participates in collective works and carries luggage too. Patients, physically weak persons and those with special responsibilities are extended help by other comrades. A people’s army itself means that apart from participating in war it does its works like cooking and carrying luggage that are an integral part of it on its own. Everybody must inevitably do all these works as part of People’s War with no discrimination based on nationality, gender, region etc. This has happened in all the guerilla zones in our country and is still continuing.
In fact, the culture in a Maoist party is a democratic, socialist culture that does not discriminate between man and woman, literate and illiterate and cadres and leaders. This is one of the major factors in attracting a huge number of Adivasis towards our party.
It is this kind of culture that our party strives to spread among millions of people.
The allegation that Maoists are raping and sexually harassing women in the party/Adivasi women has been hurled repeatedly by the state. In what other manner can we expect the newly turned renegade to attack the Maoists than in the heinous manner of the ruling classes? The answer given by our party several times in the past is the answer to this allegation now too. But the best answer to this allegation is being given by the hundreds of women comrades who are joining the party, the thousands-lakhs of members in revolutionary women’s organizations along with the women in our movement areas and the hundreds of women martyrs who had laid down their lives for the liberation of the toiling people in the past 45 years since Naxalbari.
Since communist party was formed in India in 1925 till now, in the more than 90 years of Indian communist movement’s history, it is not an exaggeration to say that never before had the communist party integrated itself with the people, their culture and all the aspects relating to people’s lives as in the past 25 years.
Not only had our party integrated but it is also holding aloft all the progressive elements in the political and cultural lives of the people, imbibing them, developing them and revolutionizing them. The revolutionary masses would anyway not believe the allegation by Panda who worked as a state secretary that party is not allowing activists to go home even for festivals.
This is just another instance of an opportunistic attack by him to make those who are not familiar with the realities of the revolutionary movement to believe that the revolutionary party is so horrible as to not send activists home even for festivals.
The allegation that Ganapathy wants to establish a dictatorship based on terror and fear is so ridiculous that it in fact does not even deserve an explanation. CPI (Maoist) is not at all any bourgeois party. Its immediate aim is to overthrow the present semi-colonial, semi-feudal system in our country and establish new democratic revolutionary rule, i.e., the democratic dictatorship of four classes – workers, peasants, petty-bourgeoisie and national bourgeoisie under the leadership of the proletariat and based on worker-peasant unity. Its ultimate goal is the establishment of socialism and communism. Panda is fully aware of this. Panda is making false allegation on comrade Ganapathy and our party with the selfish motive of gaining a place through compromise in the dictatorship of the comprador bureaucratic bourgeoisie and the land lords that are in collusion with the imperialists and carrying on an unprecedented despotic rule wearing the mask of parliamentary democracy.
In reality, it was Panda who was trying to establish his dictatorship inside Odisha. After seeing the reviews and decisions made in the Special Plenum he realized that the party cadres are no longer prepared to accept his domination. They criticized his bureaucratic behavior and his undemocratic and sectarian attitude towards comrades from other states. Realizing that he can no longer carry on his bureaucratic methods, this opportunist decided to quit the party and doubled his preparations for the same since then.
In fact, Panda stopped contacting the Odisha state in-charge CC comrade since the completion of the state level Special Plenum. Since then, for nearly half a year he went on spitting venom on the party in interviews and statements. This created political and organizational problems in the party and caused severe damage to the Odisha movement as he was taking stands that were against the decisions of the Special Plenum, party’s political line and policies. He resorted to downright opportunistic methods during the arrest of Italian tourists under his leadership. He declared a one-sided seize-fire for the entire state of Odisha. But in fact, it was not correct on his part to declare so when two different state border party committees are working in considerable parts of Odisha and its borders and he had no right to dictate terms to the other two party committees. He not only openly criticized AOB comrades for arresting a MLA and killing a SI after he had declared his one-sided seize fire but even went to the extent of saying that it had become a fashion for AOB comrades to kill.
Keeping aside the reviews made by the entire party under Odisha SOC, he declared that the annihilations of class enemies Laxmananda and Jagbandhu were not correct. He began a malicious campaign by giving statements in the name of comrade Nikhil, trying to create divide between comrades hailing from various communities and states. It is not a coincidence that when stories were being published continuously in the media about Panda leaving the party and forming a new group, Panda who always stays in touch with the media did not release any explanation. It is clear as the day that since the completion of the Special Plenum, Panda had been planning to desert the party and resorted to all these opportunistic methods and liquidationist activities. Finally he quit the party as a culmination of his degeneration.
Panda took a right opportunist stand regarding some political issues that came to the fore in the course of the Odisha movement and finally degraded into a revisionist who rejects the line of Protracted People’s War. His sectarian, bureaucratic, ultra-democratic, factionist attitudes, careerism, craving for name and fame and organizational indiscipline caused severe damage to the Odisha party and the movement. He sought an easy life and was not hard-working. This opportunist utilized the situation where Odisha party and the State Organizing Committee that were in the course of consolidating faced severe losses and the enemy offensive was seriously concentrated on the CC, to carry on his disruptionist activities. The root for all this lies in his spilling over individualism which keeps the individual at the centre. Apart from this, there has been a considerable change in the counter-revolutionary war carried on by the Indian ruling classes with the full support of the imperialists, particularly US imperialists since mid-2009 in the name of Operation Green Hunt.
Panda’s degeneration and betrayal must be seen in the context of the country-wide, multi-pronged massive military offensive that is being carried out on our movement since then.
Party suffered serious losses all over the country in this offensive. Even Odisha state where class struggle is still weak had to bear the brunt and it suffered serious losses from end-2010.
The offensive is bound to intensify in this state too. The reason for the intensification of this massive offensive is the MNC and our country’s comprador corporate interests that want to crush every organization and the people that prove a hurdle to their plunder of natural resources and raw materials in backward countries like India. As the financial crisis that is engulfing the world economy intensifies, the offensive on the revolutionary party, its leadership, movement and the oppressed and toiling masses would also be intensified in proportion by them in order to come out of it. In such a backdrop, to lead the revolutionary movement is like walking a sword’s edge for any leader of the revolutionary party. Any true party leader would strive to utilize the excellent revolutionary material conditions in the country and the world to politically prepare the people, to develop the People’s War and turn the tide in favor of the revolution. It requires commitment towards revolutionary ideology, tremendous grit,courageous decision-making, mobilizing the party, people’s army and the people in a unified way, and sacrificing nature to fulfill this task.
It requires a steely will to transform oneself and the party according to the needs and tasks of the revolution. Those who do not display these qualities either fail to give leadership to the revolution or lose their capacity to lead. Some among them run away like cowards from the battlefield or join the enemy ranks.
These opportunists and renegades take the side of the ruling classes and resort to all kinds of allegations to cover up the fact. There have been such renegades not only in our party history but also in the revolutions of various countries in the past and Panda would not be the last one.
Keeping all these things in view, our Central Committee began putting special efforts to rectify him by placing all allegations on Panda in front of him in a political manner and giving him a chance to rectify. But since the completion of the state level Special Plenum, he cut his contacts with the CC in-charge comrade and went on attacking our party, movement and the leadership openly and in a series. As a culmination of all this, he released this letter to the media and proved himself to be a renegade. So our CC is expelling Sabyasachi Panda from the party and declaring the fact to our party comrades in Odisha, the entire revolutionary masses and the revolutionary camp in our country.
We are appealing to the Odisha comrades, mass organizations of Odisha and the revolutionary-democratic masses to condemn Panda’s enemy-like opportunistic stand towards our party, movement and leadership and the pro-ruling class, anti-people stands taken by him and to completely reject him and his rotten modern revisionist politics and his allegations. History has proven several times that renegades such as Panda who boast about themselves as the heroes of revolution and who are focused as such by the ruling classes would be relegated to the dustbin and that the true revolutionary party, its leaders and the revolutionary masses led by it would advance en-route for victory in the midst of great storms and whirlwinds with undaunted courage and bravery. It is people who are makers of history and not sham revolutionaries like Panda. Our party is fully confident that the revolutionary masses of Odisha would certainly reject traitors like Panda who try to be in the limelight in the name of Odisha and immerse themselves in the service of the ruling classes to their heart’s content and that the Odisha comrades and the vast toiling masses would follow the revolutionary path under the leadership of the CPI (Maoist).
PBM, Central Regional Bureau Secretary
For Central Committee,
CPI (Maoist)
Partido Comunista de la India (Maoísta)
“Oppose and Fight Against Ban of RDF in Andhra Pradesh!”
Rise! Resist! Liberate!
PRESS RELEASE — 11 August 2012
Revolutionary Democratic Front (RDF) has been banned by the Andhra Pradesh government on 9 August 2012 through Government Order No.430 under Andhra Pradesh Public Security Act 1992. This comes as the latest of the anti-people repressive measures that the Andhra Pradesh government have persistently adopted to over the last few decades to crush democratic voices and peoples’ movements under the garb of fighting Maoism. This comes as another glaring example of the hollowness of Indian government’s claim as ‘largest democracy of the world’. We strongly condemn this act of banning and criminalisation of our organisation and demand the immediate withdrawal of this authoritarian ban.
The Government Order brands RDF as “unlawful” and bans it “with immediate effect”. The GO links RDF with the banned CPI(Maoist) by calling it a “frontal organisation” of the Maoist party. Falsely implicating RDF as “part of Tactical United Front”, it dubiously enlists the following as “unlawful activities” of the organisation:
- Sub serving the interest and objectives of the Communist Party of India (Maoist) whose avowed objective is to overthrow the lawfully established Government by means of force and violence through terrorist activities involving the use of firearms and explosives;
- Urging people to fight against the Police and join the Maoist movement;
- Opposing and demanding stoppage of anti extremist combing operations of the police and security forces in the left wing extremism affected area of the States and there by abetting and encouraging the violent activities of Maoist;
- Organising dharnas, rallies and other forms of agitations in support of the unlawful activities of the Communist Party of India (Maoist) and
- Opposing lawful actions of police and criminal justice system and inciting the people to take violence against the democratically elected government established by law.
There is no organisational structure of RDF in Andhra Pradesh at present. It is therefore ridiculous to attribute the so-called unlawful activities to our organisation. Presently only the RDF All India President Varavara Rao (member of Virasam or Revolutionary Writers’ Association) and Vice-President Ganti Prasadam are our members from this state. The only activity conducted under the banner of RDF in Andhra Pradesh after the Conference was a round-table meeting that raised voices of protest against the recent massacre of 20 adivasis in Bijapur district of Chhattisgarh. This was a well attended meeting with the participation of several prominent intellectuals, writers and representatives of civil rights organisations besides being attended and addressed the meeting by three senior editors of newspapers. Is there any basis or justification for terming such a meeting as ‘unlawful’?
Opposing and resisting the massacres of adivasis or protesting against the police and armed forces’ operations in the tribal tracts is being frivolously mentioned in the Government Order as unlawful activities. All democratic individuals and organisations across the country and the world have been opposing and demanding a stop to the paramilitary operations in the tribal regions of central and eastern India in the name of fighting the Maoists. RDF too has been consistently raising its democratic voice against all forms of state and ruling-class violence – be it massacres, murders in the name of encounters, torture, arrest and burning down of tribal villages, and so on. By criminalising dissent and silencing democratic political opposition through the ban on RDF, the government has once more exposed its fascist fangs.
RDF held a day-long dharna against the Bijapur massacre on 31 July 2012 at the Parliament Street with space allotted by the Delhi Police in front of the Parliament Street police station. A number of prominent speakers and democratic organisation from different parts of India participated and addressed the dharna. A number of renowned public personalities of the country including Justice Rajinder Sachar, Dr. B D Sharma, Bojja Tharakam, professor of economics, Jean Dreze, prominent Hindi writers and poets like Madan Kashyap, Manglesh Dabral and others joined their voices with us against the massacre of adivasis. After the dharna RDF submitted two memorandums with a charter of demands to the President Mr. Pranab Mukherjee as well as UPA and NAC chairperson Ms. Sonia Gandhi. In fact, we requested both the President and Ms. Gandhi for a meeting with a delegation of concerned citizens, which was duly acknowledged. Does the Andhra Pradesh government consider these activities too as unlawful?
We stand against the draconian instrument of ban which the government have consistently used to stifle political opposition. In 2005, Revolutionary Writers’ Association (Virasam) was banned by Andhra Pradesh government. Varavara Rao and G Kalyana Rao, two members of the organisation acted as the emissaries of CPI(ML) Peoples’ War and participated in the talks with the AP government. The same government banned their organisation and arrested them soon after the talks broke down. Virasam waged a successful struggle along with intellectuals, writers and democratic forces against the Andhra Pradesh government to withdraw the ban.
Similarly, Odisha government imposed a ban on RDF, Chasi Mulia Adivasi Sangh, Kui Labang Sangh, Bala Sangam, Daman Pratirodh Mancha and Krantikari Mahila Sangh in June 2006 under sections of the colonial CRPC of 1881 amended in 1967 as Criminal Amendment Act. RDF has been consistently fighting against these bans. After Daman Pratirodh Manch challenged the ban in Odisha High Court, it did not approve of the ban and suggested that these organisations should register their names and fight elections. A second option given by the High Court was that the organisations should approach the government to review its decision. The case at present is before the Supreme Court which has issued notice to the Odisha government to file its affidavit.
RDF strongly condemns the ban imposed on the above organisations by the Odisha government and and demands their withdrawal. We demand that the Andhra Pradesh government revoke the ban on CPI(Maoist) and six mass organisations – All India Revolutionary Students Federation (AIRSF), Federation of Workers of Singareni Coal Mines, (Singareni Karmika Samakhya or SIKASA), Radical Students Union (RSU), Peasants and Workers Association (Rythu Coolie Sangham), Radical Youth League (RYL) and Revolutionary Workers’ Federation (Viplava Karmika Samakhya or VIKASA). We also demand that the ban imposed by the central government on CPI(Maoist) and 30 other organisations under the Unlawful Activities Prevention Act (UAPA) be lifted immediately.
RDF is a peoples’ democratic organisation working at the all-India level, raising issues and demands of the masses. We consider this ban as a direct assault on the democratic rights of the people to organise and protest against the anti-people policies of the government and the ruling classes. RDF refuses to be cowed down by this authoritarian ban. We pledge to resolutely stand amidst the people and join shoulder to shoulder with all democratic and revolutionary organisations in the country and worldwide to fight against this undemocratic and criminal ban on our organisation. We declare that we will take up all means of democratic protests, rallies, meetings and dharnas to put pressure on the AP government to withdraw the ban. We will also explore all judicial avenues to remove the ban and to challenge the draconian AP Public Security Act, 1992.
RDF appeals to all the democrats and democratic organisations in the country and worldwide to raise voices against the authoritarian, arbitrary and undemocratic ban imposed on our organisation by the Andhra Pradesh government, and fight for its immediate withdrawal.
General Secretary
Varavara Rao
jueves, 9 de agosto de 2012
[Nuevo Poder] Maoístas ejecutan gobierno paralelo en las zonas fronterizas de Andhra-Orissa
VISAKHAPATNAM: Según alarma de la policía estatal, maoístas están estableciendo gobiernos paralelos 'janata sarkars' en los bolsillos interiores de la frontera de Andhra-Orissa (AOB), impulsado por el éxito de un ejercicio similar en la región de Dandakaranya de Chhattisgarh.
El Comité de área de Gumma en el vecino distrito de Malkangiri en Odisha ha creado un janata sarkars en los pueblos interiores de AOB el domingo cuando los rebeldes distribuyeron arroz a 800 familias tribales. El arroz se obtuvo al parecer de contratistas y empresarios. Aseguraron a los indígenas que iban a construir caminos concretos de cemento a los pueblos del interiores y nombrar a los maestros de las escuelas con sus propios fondos. También aseguraron a los indígenas que las instalaciones médicas en PHCs (centro de salud pública) serían proporcionadas por ellos muy pronto.
Gumma Secretario del Comité de área, Rukdhar, líder Golla Ravi alias Madhav alias Sridhar junto con otros cinco líderes claves estuvieron presentes en el programa de distribución de arroz, dijeron fuentes. Los programas de bienestar tribal serían aplicados regularmente, dijo líder maoísta Rukdhar. Dijo que la educación era una necesidad básica para desarrollar las áreas tribales y dijo que nombraría a los médicos a proporcionar medicamentos necesarios a los indígenas, que son susceptibles a la malaria y otras enfermedades transmitidas por el agua. "Todas estas facilidades son proporcionadas por nosotros en los bosques de los distritos de Dantewada, Bijapur y Sukma en Chhattigarh", dijo a la reunión.
Otro oficial dijo que los maoístas han estado tratando de recuperar el terreno perdido en el área AOB para los últimos tres años. "Quieren ejecutar los janata sarkars en los bolsillos interiores para mostrar que los funcionarios gubernamentales no llegan a esas zonas. Nos hemos incautado algunos documentos que describen claramente sus planes de juego,"dijo.
Fuentes dijeron que los rebeldes también tuvieron éxitos en la inauguración de las Torres en honor a los martires durante celebraciones de la semana de los mártires.
lunes, 6 de agosto de 2012
India: carteles maoístas en el distrito de Jharkhand
El Partido Comunista de la India (Maoísta) ha lanzado una campaña de carteles en el distrito de Jharkhand el 2 de agosto, en medio de la Semana de los Mártires [28 de julio-3 de agosto], informa The Telegraph.
Los carteles denunciaban los crimenes y atrocidades de la Fuerza Central de Reserva de Policia (CRPF) en tinta roja, fueron pegados en las paredes de edificios escolares y en los mercados, así como en los pueblos de Chaulibasa y Ghagri, en los interiores de Chowka, conocido por ser un centro industrial y también un bastión maoísta.
Los carteles condenaban la CRPF y daban los nombres de quienes habían sido asesinados por la policía o las fuerzas paramilitares. Algunos lemas denuncian las supuestas atrocidades cometidas por los troopers CRPF contra aldeanos inocentes, especialmente jóvenes.
Según fuentes de inteligencia, los maoístas celebraron reuniones o asambleas populares en un número de plazas en los distritos de Seraikela-Kharsawan y Singhbhum occidental.
¡¡¡ Viva la Guerra Popular en la India!!!
jueves, 2 de agosto de 2012
ODC abandona el CPI y retoma control del blog Revolución en la India
Desde hace tiempo en el seno del Comité Proletario Internacionalista (CPI) han surgido fuertes discrepancias en torno a la valoración de la Guerra Popular en la India.
Fruto de estas discrepancias el Comité Proletario Internacionalista llevaba una larga temporada estancado y paralizado. Las contradicciones habían llegado a un punto que impedían el avance.
ODC no comparte la valoración de algunos integrantes en torno a la Guerra Popular en la India.
Si bien ODC es consciente de los peligros que puede enfrentar dicho proceso revolucionario no compartimos la opinión de otras organizaciones del CPI que parece que ponen más en la balanza los aspectos negativos o peligros que los positivos o avances del proceso revolucionario que se desarrolla en la India.
Por este motivo, junto a las divergencias en torno a como entender la solidaridad y las discrepancias sobre el funcionamiento interno, nos han llevado a tomar la decisión de abandonar el CPI.
ODC seguirá desarrollando actividad de solidaridad con la Guerra Popular en la India desde nuestros criterios y posiciones.
ODC puso el blog Revolución en la India al servicio del CPI y ahora al abandonar dicho Comité recupera el control del blog.
Siempre es lamentable la ruptura y desunión entre organizaciones pero cuando las contradicciones y diferencias se vuelven profundas no queda más remedio.
ODC aun no compartiendo la predisposición, en nuestra opinión negativa, de algunos hacia el proceso revolucionario en la India queremos dejar claro que no vamos a caer en el seguidismo del PCI (Maoísta) y que si dicho partido se desvía del camino revolucionario o el proceso revolucionario en la India se introduce en caminos pantanosos no dudaremos en denunciarlo.
Queremos dejar claro que ODC bajo ningún concepto va a apoyar un segundo Nepal (en cuanto a la traición allí cometida) ni vamos a apoyar ninguna salida que no pase por la Revolución de Nueva Democracia, la destrucción del viejo estado y la construcción de un nuevo estado al servicio de las masas oprimidas de la India.
ODC por ahora y mientras no se demuestre lo contrario confía en el Partido Comunista de la India (Maoísta) y que dicho partido esta haciendo esfuerzos por hacer avanzar la Guerra Popular en la India y encaminarse hacia la toma del Poder bajo la dirección del proletariado y al servicio de las clases oprimidas.
¡¡¡ Salvo el Poder todo es ilusión !!!
¡¡¡ Viva la Guerra Popular en la India !!!
Colectivo Odio de Clase.
PCI (Maoísta): Celebrar Semana Martires del 28 de julio al 3 de agosto
Cartel maoísta en honor al Camarada Azad
June 10, 2012
Observe Martyrs Week From July 28 to
August 3!
Red Homage to Our Party’s Fore-founders and
Beloved Teachers Comrades Charu Mazumdar and Kanhai Chatterjee!
Let’s rededicate ourselves to fulfill the
cherished dreams of thousands of martyrs including Comrades Ramji, Shrikant,
Sheshanna, Suneeta, Ranita, Sukku, Mahesh, Mangli, Paklu, Pramod and Shivaji!
July 28 has a special significance in the
history of Indian Revolution. Comrade Charu Mazumdar and Comrade Kanhai
Chatterjee, who broke the backs of the revisionism deep-rooted for decades in
the Indian Communist Movement and established the path of protracted people’s
war for the Indian Revolution, emerged as the founder-leaders of CPI (Maoist).
On this day in 1972, Comrade Charu Mazumdar succumbed to police torture. In the
path directed by these two great comrades, the Indian Revolution is marching
forward unabatedly for the last 45 years facing many upheavals, defeats and
setbacks. Even if it faced setback at one place, by gaining strength in other
places, it stood as a ray of hope for all the oppressed masses of entire
country. This 45-year bloodstained history contains invaluable sacrifices of
more than 15 thousand martyrs. By virtue of these sacrifices, revolutionary
movement has been advancing raising the slogan ‘Naxalbari Ek Hi Rasta’, with
the aim of building liberated areas through area-wise seizure of political
power. July 28 is an important day to commemorate the sacrifices of all the
martyrs and to rededicate ourselves to fulfill their cherished dreams.
In the last one year, nearly 150 comrades have
sacrificed their lives all over the country. Forty of them are from
Dandakaranya (DK). These martyrs include higher leadership comrades, party
members, PLGA commanders, red fighters, mass organization activists,
revolutionary people’s committee representatives and revolutionary masses. Many
of these have lost their lives in fake encounters carried out by government
mercenary forces while others have laid down their lives fighting heroically
with the enemy forces. Few of them have lost their lives due to illness and in
accidents. On the occasion of July 28, let’s commemorate each and every martyr
and pledge to fight relentlessly to fulfill their dream of building a new democratic
India free of all forms of exploitation and oppression.
On November 24, 2011, in Burishole jungles
of West Bengal, police and paramilitary forces carried out a covert operation
and killed Party’s politburo member and dynamic mass leader Comrade Mallojula
Koteswarlu (Ramji/Kishenji) in a most inhuman manner. For the last 38 years,
Comrade Ramji carried out various responsibilities at different areas all over
the country in the revolutionary movement. From the days of Jagityal
‘Jaitrayatra’ to of late Jungalmahal mass movement, he led various mass
struggles. From 1987 to 1993, he was instrumental in leading the movement in
Dandakaranya. After many foul plays to assassinate him, enemy at the end
succeeded in it. With the revolutionary spirit of Comrade Ramji, by
intensifying mass struggles and people’s war we can create many more great
leaders like him.
DK special zonal committee member Comrade
Harak (Shrikant) passed away on February 26, 2012 due to serious illness. Comrade
Harak had joined the Party in 1993. From 1998 onwards, he took responsibilities
of the movement in Gadchiroli district and played a key role in it. In spite of
serious heart ailment, he insisted to be among the people to carry out mass work
incessantly. In the end, he lost his life amidst the downtrodden. By traversing
firmly in his path, we can create millions of successors of the revolution.
On March 18, North Telangana movement has
lost another great leader. SZCM Comrade Gundeti Shankar (Sheshanna) lost his life
due to snake bite. Revolution is not a feast. It’s a bloody and tough class war
full of dangers, difficulties and constraints. For the last 30 years, Comrade
Sheshanna as a true mass leader strived firmly with determination for the cause
of revolution. The Telangana soil would keep giving birth to many more great
revolutionaries like Comrade Sheshanna.
Senior Party activist Comrade Suneeta
(Swaroopa) also lost her life on March 18, 2012 due to breast cancer. As an
ideal communist she held the revolutionary flag aloft for 30 years. She stands
as a real role model for the present generations who stood strong in the
revolution till her last breath.
On August 20, 2011, Gadchiroli’s
Makadchuvva village witnessed an unprecedented event in the contemporary
history. Comrade Ramko Hichami (Ranita) alone courageously fought the enemy
encirclement of hundreds of forces and thus added a new chapter in it. This
heroic woman guerilla killed three CoBRA/C-60 commandos and seriously injured
four others before achieving the martyrdom. Comrade Ranita’s bravery and
sacrifice always be inspiring to all the fighters of PLGA.
On January 27,
2012, DVCM Comrade Mangu Paddam (Sukku) laid down his life while fighting the enemy
forces heroically at Raigarh district in Chhattisgarh. On October 11, 2011, in
a daring ambush carried out by PLGA on the enemy forces near Netanar village,
Kanger valley LGS commander comrade Mahesh laid down his precious life fighting
ferociously. On August 16, 2011, in East Bastar division, at Tirka village
Comrades Badru, Gopi and Akash sacrificed their lives in a daring resistance.
Unable to face them, showing cowardice enemy burnt the house in which the red
fighters got trapped. On March 26, 2012, in a PLGA ambush at Bhejji, Comrades
Mangli and Paklu martyred fighting gallantly with the enemy forces. On May 16,
2012, on the occasion of ‘Bharat Bandh’, Comrade Shivaji, PPCM of COY-9, lost
his life in an enemy attack at midnight near Bhairamgarh. West Bastar division
action team commander Comrade Pramod lost his life in attempt on the life of a
notorious enemy of the people, Rajkumar Tamo. Comrade Govind, area committee
member of National Park area lost his life with snake bite. Many more comrades
have laid down their lives fighting with the cruel enemy. Madkami Maasa,
Podiyami Masa, Nengi Yadav, Dunga Dhurwa and other unarmed people succumbed to
fake encounters and unabated violence perpetrated by the police and
paramilitary forces.
People and Comrades!
Today the ruling classes
with the sole aim of wiping out the Maoist movement are carrying out a
countrywide cruel war in the name of Operation Green Hunt (OGH). In this war,
in addition to the deployment of hundreds of thousands of paramilitary forces,
deployment of Army has also been commenced now. On the pretext of ‘training’
Army has stepped into Bastar region. Actually the aim of this war is not just
to suppress the Maoist movement, but to suppress all movements and forces which
come in the way and form an obstacle for handing over the country’s resources
to foreign capitalists and corporate houses. In Dandakaranya and in some other
places in the country, denouncing the fake development model of the ruling
classes, the real people-centered development schemes have come forward as an
alternative. The progress and growth of this alternative has become
unacceptable to the ruling classes and their imperialist masters. That’s why
they are hurrying to end this war by putting every effort at their disposal.
Worldwide imperialist economic crisis is also hastening them up to end this war
quickly. That’s why they are indulging in barbarism, mindless violence and
massacres. As a part of this only, they are eliminating the revolutionaries and
the leaders of the revolutionary movement.
Repression always
leads to revolution is a historical truth. Ideas cannot be wiped out by killing
people. The exploitative ruling classes of the country are getting exposed day
by day. The issues of hunger, poverty, unemployment, corruption, scams,
price-hike, displacement etc. are making people restless. None of the parliamentary
political parties has any credibility in the eyes of the people. In this
context, the fact is that the Maoist People’s War which is marching ahead with
matchless sacrifices and heroic struggles, stands as a great inspiration to the
toiling masses of the country. With the aim to spread this inspiration further,
let’s commemorate Martyrs’ week from July 28 to August 3. Let’s pledge to
expand the people’s war across the length and breadth of the country and to
intensify the guerilla war by safeguarding the Party. Let’s decorate martyrs’ columns
built in the villages and build new ones at predetermined places as part of
propagating the priceless sacrifices of the martyrs in every corner. Let’s emulate
the ideals of the martyrs and propagate their spirited life histories among the
vast people. With the inspiration of the great martyrs, let’s consolidate the
revolutionary movement as per the aspirations of the billions of Indian
oppressed masses. Let’s expand the people’s political power by intensifying the
class struggle.
Special Zonal Committee
Partido Comunista de la India (Maoísta)
PCI (Maoísta): Castigar a los autores de la masacre de Basaguda!
Press Release
July 10, 2012
Punish the perpetrators of Basaguda
Massacre !
Demand the immediate withdrawal of all
paramilitary and military forces from Bastar !
On 28-6-2012 in one of the most brutal massacres
till date in Chhattisgarh’s Bastar region 17 innocent, ordinary, unarmed
villagers were killed by about a thousand blood-thirsty CRPF-CoBRA, state
police forces and Koya Commandos and SPOs. These mercenary forces surrounded a
gathering of villagers discussing about their harvest and related festivals in
Sarkinguda on that night and killed several people in an indiscriminate,
one-sided cold-blooded firing reminding one of the Jallianwalabagh massacre.
Many more villagers were injured. Nine of the dead were juveniles between 12
and 16 years of age. There were children, women and elderly persons among the
injured too. The mercenary forces wreaked havoc the whole night and shot dead
some more villagers, looted their homes and resorted to sexual abuses on women.
They threatened the villagers who tried to help the injured that they too would
face the same fate. On the same day two more Adivasi peasants were murdered by
the same fascist government armed forces in Simlipenta, a nearby village taking
the toll to 19.
This massacre was perpetrated by the
mercenary forces as part of the second phase of Operation Green Hunt (OGH)
launched by the Indian ruling classes with the full support and aid of the
imperialists, particularly the US imperialists since mid-2009. The blue-print
for this well-planned massacre was prepared under the auspices of the notorious
ruling clique of Sonia-Manmohan-Chidambaram-Jairam Ramesh and their ‘reliable
lieutenants’ at the centre and in Chhattisgarh (CG) – secretary for Home RK
Singh, CRPF DG Vijaya Kumar-Raman Singh-Nankiram Kanwar-Longkumer-Anil
Navani-Ramnivas et al., who are carrying on this country-wide, multi-pronged,
counter-revolutionary massive military offensive on the Maoist movement areas
in the most atrocious manner and where massacres of ordinary villagers has come
to be one of the most common forms of repression in this “War on the People”.
The statements by Raman Singh and Nankiram Kanwar about a massive offensive on
Maoists to be launched in June in CG forewarned about what was in store because
as any keen observer of these ‘offensives on Maoists” is well aware – it is
most common for ordinary people to become victims in fake encounters, lock-up
deaths and massacres in such ‘offensives on Maoists’.
In Dandakaranya (DK) starting from Singaram
massacre in January 2009 several massacres of Adivasis have been carried on by
the state and central mercenary forces like in Vechapad, Singanamadugu,
Palachelima, Gompad, Gumiapal, Kokavada, Takilod, Ongnar and massive
destruction and murders as in Tadimetla-Morpalli-Chintalnar etc., and none of
the perpetrators – neither the ‘Generals’ like Sonia, Manmohan, Chidambaram,
Raman Singh, Nankiram Kanwar, Vijay Kumar, Longkumer or a Kalluri nor the
actual police-paramilitary officers and ‘foot soldiers’ who carried out their
orders - of these massacres have been booked or punished till date. All the
culprits are roaming scot-free in the corridors of power in New Delhi and
Raipur and the off the hook police-paramilitary forces are ruthlessly going
about their daily routine of mayhem, murder, loot, destruction, arson and rapes
in the heart of India.
The Basaguda massacre is all the more
bizarre for the utter lies, distortions, twisting of facts and the lower depths
the ruling classes could stoop to justify their unscrupulous deed. Firstly,
they for the umpteenth time repeated the routine story that armed Maoists had
attacked them and that these ‘Maoists’ were killed when they retaliated. They
even lied that they had seized weapons and explosives from the site. Six
injured jawans were shown as ‘proof’ of the fact that an exchange of fire took
place. Herr Chidambaram could not hide his glee at the death of ‘twenty
Maoists’ and in a moment of truth announced that ‘this was a pre-planned attack’
based on information. Later this Indian avatar of Goebbels had to eat his foul
lexis as every fact pointed out to a cold-blooded massacre and even the
Congress in CG was forced to form a committee on this after the people of the
village and neighboring villages came on the roads and stated the facts for the
entire world to hear. In spite of the facts put forward by the entire people of
the village and his own party, Chidambaram conveniently and shamelessly ‘passed
the buck’ to the Raman Singh government saying that it is for the state
government to decide if an enquiry is needed or not and that the central
government had nothing to do with this. Shedding crocodile tears he had the
audacity to say that he regretted if innocent people had died even while self contradicting
himself that this was a ‘transparent and upfront’ attack. Raman Singh not even
caring if any sane person believed him, once again spun the same old bull-shit
theory that Maoists used the ordinary people as human shields and so they died!
Like a pet dog more faithful than the master Nankiram Kanwar went to the end of
saying that whoever is with the Maoists is also a Maoist implying that those
villagers could be (or deserved to be) killed as ‘they were with Maoists’.
The stark fact is that there were no
Maoists with the villagers and no exchange of fire had taken place. The
mercenary forces just surrounded the villagers from all sides and fired upon
them and some were pulled out of their homes and shot dead. Even the so-called
injuries of the jawans must have been a hoax as in some earlier instances or
they might have been injured in their own cross-fire.
This massacre happened in the backdrop of
the deployment of Indian Army in Bastar in the name of training and the attacks
already being launched by the Air Force in the pretext of logistical support
and self-defense. It is like a curtain-raiser to the things in store and let
nobody make the mistake of seeing this massacre as a mistake of the government
forces in the field. As every concerned democratic citizen in this country is
increasingly realizing and as our party has stated several times, this “War on
People” is being perpetuated with the sole aim of the plunder of the rich
natural resources of our country and to crush every kind of force that proves
to be a hurdle to it. The people led by the CPI (Maoist) and the party are
perceived by the imperialists and the Indian ruling classes as the most
formidable ‘hurdle’ (read biggest threat to the ‘internal security’ of the
plunderers) to the loot of our country and particularly that of Adivasi areas
by the imperialists, comprador bureaucratic bourgeoisie and the big landlords
of our country which explains this massive military offensive on our movement
areas. In the name of crushing Maoists the ruling classes are crushing all
kinds of democratic and patriotic forces in this country and we once again
appeal to the people to realize that this is not just an offensive on the
Maoists but a “War on the People”. This is what lies behind massacres like the
one at Basaguda.
The lives of ordinary citizens and Adivasis
of this country hold no value for the ruling classes is something that has been
proven hundreds of times in police firings and such massacres. The only new
thing is that now they are shouting this fact from the roof-tops openly. The
convoluted logic that whoever is with the Maoists deserved to be killed or
could be killed should be thoroughly exposed and condemned as this is nothing
but a thinly veiled threat to the lives of the citizens of this country and
particularly the Adivasis in the Maoist movement areas. The full scale
preparations for drone attacks and the future deaths of Adivasis in these
attacks would also be justified with the same logic of ‘collateral damage’ as
in Afghanistan or a Pakistan. Already in Peda Kedwal and Chinna Kedwal villages
of Bastar the government forces conducted an aerial operation in December 2011
using more than a dozen helicopters for deployment of forces. In all the
massive military operations conducted recently in Dandakaranya, Bihar,
Jharkhand, Chhattisgarh-Odisha Border and Andhra-Odisha Border areas involving
Brigade level of forces, UAVs were used. They had openly declared that this is
how future attacks would be conducted in Maoist areas.
We appeal to all citizens of this country,
democrats, patriots, well-wishers of Adivasis and all civil liberties
organizations to condemn the Basaguda brutal massacre in no uncertain terms and
demand severe punishment for the perpetrators. Demand the immediate withdrawal of
all paramilitary and military forces from Bastar. We particularly appeal to the
media persons to bring the facts about this massacre into light as some
pro-government corporate media persons are trying to hide the facts and falsely
portray this massacre as ‘people being crushed between government forces and
Maoists’. We appeal to one and all to build a vast and united agitation all
over the country with these demands. We appeal to all revolutionary and
democratic forces in the country and the world to condemn this massacre, to
oppose the deployment of UAVs to crush the Maoist movement in India and to
demand an end to “War on People” – the Operation Green Hunt.
Central Committee,
CPI (Maoist)
Partido Comunista de la India (Maoísta)
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