Un soldado de las CRPF ha sido muerto y otro ha sido gravemente herido durante un tiroteo con la guerrilla maoísta en el distrito de Sukma, este domingo. La confrontación se llevó a cabo en una zona densamente boscosa durante una operación de contrainsurgencia liderada por las fuerzas paramilitares CRPF. Las autoridades dicen que un equipo del Batallón 217A de las CRPF lanzó esta operación en la noche del domingo después de haber sido advertidos que guerrilleros se estaban aproximando a un campamento de las CRPF a Maraiguda. Al final del enfrentamiento, las guerrillas se han retirado sin sufrir bajas. La reacción activo inmediatamente una operación de búsqueda para capturarlos.
Durante más de un mes las plantaciones de té de Kerala, en el sur de la India, han sido escenario de disturbios. Miles de recolectoras han bloqueado carreteras, sitiado las oficinas de las plantaciones, paralizado su funcionamiento. Pero fue más que una batalla sindical: las mujeres luchaban contra los dueños de las plantaciones y también contra los sindicatos cómplices, contra las condiciones de trabajo esclavo, contra su propio pueblo y contra la indiferencia del estado y los medios de comunicación. Y al final ganaron los aumentos de salarios y algunas otras concesiones.
La batalla comenzó a principios de septiembre. Las plantaciones de té en la India parecen haber quedado en la época colonial, solo diferente en que los actuales dueños no son británicos: en Kerala son por ejemplo la plantación de la empresa Devan Kannan (multinacional controlada por Tata, propietaria de la marca Tetley) o la Plantación de Harrison, la más grande de unas 50 empresas en Kerala.
Las plantaciones de té son impresionantes colinas cubiertas de un verde brillante, pero el trabajo en ellas es el infierno: tienen que recoger hojas durante largas horas por una miseria de salario y vivir en casuchas disponibles por la empresa, que no tienen aseo ni otros servicios básicos.
Los forrajeros (trabajadorxs de las plantaciones de té) son en su mayoría las mujeres y los Dalits (intocables, o "intocables": el más bajo peldaño de la jerarquía social y discriminatoria de la India).
La rabia explotó este verano, cuando la Kannan Devan Hill Plantation decidió cortar el bono pagado a los trabajadorxs hasta entonces – alrededor del 20% sobre los salarios de 230 rupias al día (3,5 dólares).
Un día a principios de septiembre un grupo de mujeres decidió formar un colectivo llamado Pombilai Orumai, «Unidad de la Mujer». Ese mismo día en grupos se acercaron a las oficinas de la empresa, en la ciudad de Munnar. Pidieron recuperar el bono y aumentar los salarios; protestaron por la explotación de su trabajo, por sus chozas sin ningún aseo y por su vida tan difícil.
Sus lemas no fueron dirigidos sólo a los propietarios de las plantaciones. De hecho también criticaron a los dirigentes sindicales que supuestamente las representaban.
Las empresas y hasta los sindicatos fueron tomados por sorpresa. Las plantaciones de té no conocían disturbios desde tiempo inmemorial, al menos desde que encontraron un acomodo con los líderes sindicales, puestos de trabajo asalariado y ciertas garantías de derechos. Algunos líderes sindicales se han convertido en miembros del Parlamento del estado, otros son en realidad son parte de una burocracia paraestatal. Ni que decir siempre habían logrado relaciones de trabajo más suaves.
El hecho es que cuando un maestro de plantación decidió ir a hablar con las mujeres, fue recibido (agredido) a golpes de sandalias (al parecer la policía tuvo que ir a rescatarlo).
En resumen la huelga creció; Finalmente unas 6000 trabajadoras de numerosas fincas, incluso distantes, se reunieron en la ciudad de Munnar, donde sitiaron las oficinas de las plantaciones – y también del sindicato. Tiendas cerradas y vida bloqueada (para ponerse al día, incluso los sindicatos se vieron forzados a convocar una huelga por aumentos salariales). La prensa India, que antes había ignorado la historia, comenzó a hablar de ello.
Finalmente las trabajadores sin ninguna experiencia y a menudo semianalfabetas, ganaron – al menos en parte. Forzaron a la empresa de Devan Kannan a restaurar el bono. Finalmente aceptaron un acuerdo por un sueldo de 301 rupias diarias: no eran los 500 rupias que pedían, pero siguen siendo un aumento del 30 por ciento. Quizás más importe, obligaron a los representantes de la empresa y de los sindicatos a tratar con ellas.
Como parte de sus operaciones antimaoístas en Bastar, las fuerzas armadas indias está ahora preparadas para llevar a cabo ataques aéreos contra los naxalitas en Chhattisgarh.
Se ha reportado que el 13 de octubre tres helicópteros de la Indian Air Force (IAF) realizaron practicas ametrallando un área especificada de Bijapur, en el corazón de la población controlada por los maoístas en la región.
En el video de debajo de estas líneas, se puede ver a guerrilleros maoístas realizando ejercicios de simulacros con bazucas y artillería pesada para derribar helicópteros indios. Maoístas a menudo han derribado Mi-17 (helicópteros).
Anti-Maoist operations: Chhattisgarh, IAF to carry out retaliation attacks from air
The IAF has been operating Mi-17s in the Bastar region for several years. The Maoists have been able to hit these helicopters quite often. So far, the state establishment and the IAF had been against air strikes. Adding a new dimension to anti-Maoist operations in Bastar, Chhattisgarh Police and the Indian Air Force (IAF) plan to carry out attacks from air “in retaliation”. The state police and the IAF have already conducted successful exercises in Bastar. Additional DG (anti-Naxal operations) R K Vij told The Indian Express: “Maoists have often fired at Mi-17s (helicopters). We have lost personnel and people, but we have never retaliated. The law has never stopped us from retaliation. We have conducted exercises. Garud commandos of the Indian Air Force practised firing from Mi-17. We are not sitting ducks, we can also attack them. It will help us handle the situation better.”
While the official statement is that the IAF will attack only in retaliation or self-defence, it gives enormous edge to security forces battling the Maoists. IAF officers in Chhattisgarh confirmed the change in strategy. The IAF has been operating Mi-17s in the Bastar region for several years. The Maoists have been able to hit these helicopters quite often. So far, the state establishment and the IAF had been against air strikes. “To counter this situation (Maoist attack on helicopters), senior officers of Chhattisgarh police and IAF held a joint meeting and formulated a strategy. As part of this strategy, exercises were conducted in remote areas of Bijapur,” Vij said. Maoists have large bases in Bijapur as they dominate vast area across this district of southwest Bastar.
“On October 13, three IAF helicopters flew over a specified area of Bijapur and practised strafing. Senior officers of the IAF and anti-Naxal operations of the state police participated in the exercise,” Vij said. Over the last four years, IAF officers in Chhattisgarh have repeatedly told The Indian Express that they would never retaliate with an aerial attack on their “own people”. Last year, the state police sought more helicopters but the government said they could not be used for air attacks.
“No. Not at all. I categorically deny this,” Chief Minister Raman Singh had said when he was asked about the possibility of aerial attacks on Maoists. In 2013, the Maoists fired at a Mi-17 and grounded it in the Chintagufa area, forcing the personnel inside to abandon it and get to safety. It remained in the forests for a few days until it was retrieved by engineers.
Dos soldados del Comando Batallón de Acción Resuelta (CoBRA) resultaron heridos de gravedad ayer al estallar una mina colocada por la guerrilla naxalita. La acción se produjo en el distrito de Bijapur cuando los soldados CoBRA regresaban a su campamento militar después de llevar a cabo una operación contra la insurgencia naxalita.
Los Comando Batallón de Acción Resuelta (CoBRA) es una unidad especializada de las Fuerzas de Policía de Reserva Central (CRPF) y son la principal fuerza de combate contra la guerrilla maoísta.
Guerrilleros naxalitas del PLGA dieron muerte este sábado a un oficial de policía, Pindu Pungati, en la aldea de Ghotpadi, situada en el distrito de Gadchiroli (Maharashtra).
Los guerrilleros irrumpieron en la residencia de Ghotpadi antes de matarlo. Pindu Pungati pertenecía a los servicios de información y había sido descubierto por la guerrilla maoísta. Había sido promocionado a SPO (Oficial de Policía Especial).
Ayer 15 de octubre la guerrilla naxalita del Ejército Guerrillero de Liberación Popular (PLGA) dio muerte a dos informantes de la policía identificados como Suma Madakami y Madhi de Rama, en el área Kanagoda, en el distrito de Malkangiri, en Odisha.
Así mismo el 13 de octubre se produjo un enfrentamiento armado entre el PLGA y fuerzas especiales de la policía en Ranasinghi en Andhra Pradesh. No hubo víctimas mortales en ambos lados. Según los informes el intercambio de disparos duró unos 15 minutos y los guerrilleros naxalitas huyeron posteriormente.
Raipur, Oct 14 (PTI) A powerful Improvised Explosive Device (IED) was today recovered by security forces at National Highway No. 30 in Chhattisgarh’s Sukma district. A joint team of CRPF and district police recovered the explosive, weighing around 5 kgs, while carrying out an anti- Naxal operation on Sukma-Konta road (a patch on NH-30 that connects Jagdalpur (Bastar district headquarters) to Vijaywada in Andhra Pradesh under Dornapal police station limits, Sukma Additional Superintendent of Police Santosh Singh told PTI.
While security forces were cordoning off the route, around 4 kms away from Dornalpal, they spotted an electric wire connection following which the IED kept in a steel container was found hidden underground, Singh said. The explosive was immediately destroyed by the bomb disposal squad, he said. The IED was planted to harm the security forces during their operations on a strategically important route in the Naxals’ self-proclaimed liberated zone, the ASP said.
TD Leaders Migrating to Urban Areas After Maoist Threat
VISAKHAPATNAM:It is a catch-22 situation for the Telugu Desam Party leaders and active workers. As there is no clarity from the government on the most controversial bauxite mining issue despite stringent warnings from the Maoists, the TDP cadre are migrating to various urban places in the district. Though the police are pacifying them, the TDP followers are packing their bags and moving to Narsipatnam, Anakapalle and Visakhapatnam. Sensing that Chief Minister Chandrababu Naidu would order mining of bauxite ore in Visakhapatnam agency areas, the Maoists kidnapped three TDP leaders – V Balayya, M Balayya and M Mahesh – on October 5. The Maoists also warned all the TDP cadres not to support the TDP government and snap their connection with the party. As the police failed to trace the three TDP leaders even after eight days, the party cadre in the agency expressed their anguish.
The tribals are not happy with Chandrababu Naidu’s statement. The CM said that his government had not yet taken any decision on the bauxite mining since returning to power, and asked how the Maoists can set deadlines when the issue has not even been borached anywhere. However, his response did not curry favour as he did not appeal to the Maoists to release his party leaders. Not only TDP supporters, but also all the tribals in the Visakhapatnam agency have expressed their ire against the TDP government. “Instead of making a statement that the TDP government would never take up bauxite mining in the agency, the Chief Minister gave too smart a statement. What is the meaning of his statement? He should make it clear that the TD government won’t permit bauxite mining,” a tribal activist said.
Meanwhile, with the police failing to trace the kidnapped TDP leaders, tension prevailed in the agency. Already the Maoists issued a warning to some of the TDP leaders and active workers to resign from the party and asked them to participate in the anti-bauxite mining agitation to prove their credentials. “Soon after the kidnap, they cut off all interactions with the tribals. They are keeping all their moves and strategies secret and even their aides and militia members are in the dark. The situation has become very tense,” said a senior police officer engaged in anti-Maoist operations. Reacting to the Chief Minister’s statement, senior CPI leader JV Satyanarayana Murthy demanded a clear stand of the government on the bauxite mining.
The TDP, when in opposition, announced that it opposed the bauxite mining. The TDP government should make it clear that if it was for or against bauxite mining, said Murthy. “How can we believe in such smart statements. The government is not permitting any meeting against bauxite mining in the agency area. Very recently, the police arrested several people who attended a meeting at Darakonda on bauxite meeting. We convened the meeting and a police officer cut the mike when the leaders started talking against mining. I am asking the government to announce its stand unambiguously,” Satyanarayana Murthy said. YSR Congress Party district president Gudivada Amarnath said that the CM was playing with the lives of tribals. While participating in the World Adivasi Day celebrations last year near the airport, Chandrababu Naidu said that the bauxite reserves would be mined with the consent of the tribals. It means, the TDP government was preparing the ground for bauxite mining. The latest statement of the Chief Minister is a farce, Amarnath said. On the kidnap of the TDP leaders, Visakhapatnam SP Koya Praveen said that the police got information that the Maoists called up some representatives of people’s organisations for discussions and they are on the way to meet them.
VIZIANAGARAM:At least seven Maoists allegedly suffered bullet injuries in a fire exchange with the police at Ranasingi village in Salur forest range in Vizianagaram district Tuesday evening during a fire exchange. The police have recovered six kit bags after the operation. According to Vizianagaram SP Navdeep Singh Ravel, the fire exchange took place at around 4.30 pm, when police forces found a group of armed Maoists near Ranasingi forest area during a regular combing operation.
“After the Maoists started firing, there was a fire exchange which lasted for 15 minutes and then the Maoists escaped,” the SP said. Sources said that at least seven Maoists were allegedly injured, including a top Maoist. However, the SP, while admitting that they have recovered six kit bags, ruled out the possibility of Maoists receiving injuries or the presence of a top Maoist in the group.
Según informa la prensa india, el Escuadron Anti-Terroista (ATS) esta preparando testigos como supuestos "simpatizantes" a los que el camarada K. Muralidharan habria pedido que se unieran a las filas de los naxalitas para afianzar los cargos contra el veterano dirigente revolucionario.
El pasado mes de mayo, el ATS arresto al líder maoísta K Muralidharan, camarada Ajith (62) y su ayudante Ismail Hamaza Chiragpilli, Pravin (29) de la zona de Talegaon Dabhade, a unos 30 kms de Pune.
El camarada Muralidharan, fue Secretario General del PCI (ML) Naxalbari, hasta mayo de 2014, cuando se fusiono su partido con el PCI (Maoísta) y paso a ser miembro del Comité Central y se le asignó la tarea de fortalecer el Partido en Pune, para lo cual residía en Talegaon según fuentes de la ATS.La agencia ha incluido las declaraciones de más de una docena de personas de Pune, que comprenden principalmente estudiantes universitarios y empresarios.
"Los testigos han relatado las cuentas en que fueron persuadidos a unirse", agregó el funcionario. La policía fascista afirma que aparte de las declaraciones, han incautado "literatura Naxalita", sobre todo en marathi, Inglés y malayalam, y cartas en la casa de seguridad de Talegaon.
homage to CPI (Maoist) Central Committee member
Sridhar Srinivasan!
August 18th 2015, the oppressed masses of our country and the Indian
revolution lost an exemplary communist leader and a brilliant
revolutionary intellectual—Comrade Sridhar Srinivasan—knownto the
revolutionary camp as Com. Vishnu and Vijay.He passed away after a
massive heart attack.
CC, CPI(Maoist) pays its humble red homage to this member of
theCentral Committee and vows to fulfill the revolutionary ideals for
which he lived and laid down his life.
journey as a revolutionary
was in 1978-79, as a young student of Arts in Elphinstonecollege,
Mumbai, Comrade Sridhargot influenced with revolutionary politics and
gave up his studies to work for the oppressed masses of the
country.And for the next 35 years, he continuedwith undaunting spirit
and determination to serve the people.
Sridhar Srinivasan organized students and led agitations in Mumbai
under the banner of VidharthiPragatiSanghatana(VPS).He was one of the
leaders of the historical take- over of Mumbai University (against
fee hike ) by the college students in 1979.When the movement spread
to youths, he again played a prominent role in mobilising youths
under the banner of Naujawan Bharat Sabha (NBS). Along with the Mill
workers Union, led by DattaSamant,NBS organized the workers during
the mill workers’ strike in early 80s.He was among the key
organizers of many militant actions during the strike period.He
became City Committee member and the movement expanded to nearby
industrial areas of Thane, Bhiwandi, Surat,etc. Later, in 1990, on
party’s decision, he moved to Vidharbha region, where he organized
coal mine workers in Chandrapur,Vaniand nearby areas.When the party
handed charge of Gondia-Balaghat division to Maharashtra State
Committee, he took responsibility and strived to develop the movement
with the Vidharbha perspective.
over two decades till 2007, he
ably led the party as the State Secretary of the Maharashtra.He
was elected to the central committee of the CPI(Maoist) in 2001.He
was reelected to the CC in the Unity Congress (9th Congress) held in
January 2007.He
stood steadfast in all the ups and downs the movement always
defending the party line.He
had unwavering confidence in the party and its line. He opposed the
opportunist trends that arose in the party. He stood firm despite the
movement facing adverse conditions.He
never wavered and stood like a pillar infulfilling whichever
responsibility the party entrusted him with.He stood as a great
leader till his last breath with unwavering commitment to the
revolution, steely determination and will power.
and his jail life
August,2007, he got arrested. He faced days of interrogation, mental
torturebut, he never bent before the enemy.The
State tried its best to prolong his incarceration by foisting
more than 60 cases and even managed to get a conviction of 6 ½ years
in a fabricated case.While
yearning for his freedom, he continued to educate and inspire young
cadres who were in jail with him. Never to rest, he utilized the
time, in reading books and studying national and international
situation.He interacted with various Islamic activists and tried to
understand their movement.Early morning hours were spent in writing
long letters and politicalnotes on various issues, to comrades in
different jails.He got released in Aug, 2013.Jail life could not
break his spirit though it took a toll on his health.On
release, he stayed with his family and utilized this time in meeting
and propagating about the movement. He waited to join his comrades,
but, on his way to meet them, he passed away. His wish remained
Sridhar’s martyrdom is a major blow to the movement.The proletariat
and toiling masses of our countryhave lost one of their greatest sons
who selflessly served them till his last breath, with nothing but
their interests and the interests of the revolution in his heart.
Comrade Sridharwill
live forever in the hearts of the Party’s rank and file and
millions upon millions ofthe Indian masses.Our
party upholds the ideals of comrade Sridhar. It vows to fight
relentlessly to fulfill his dreams.
CC, CPI (Maoist) pays red homage to him with bowed heads. It is
sending its deep condolences to his family and friends and shares
their grief.
us pledge ourselves once again to fulfill the great ideals for which
Comrade Sridhar Srinivasan had laid down his life.
Un policía - Manaru Ram Banjam - resulto muerto en un ataque de la guerrilla naxalita contra fuerzas policiales en el distrito de Bastar, el 1 de octubre. El incidente ocurrió en la aldea de Burgum.
En una autentica demostración del carácter fascista, cobarde y criminal del Gobierno de Telanga y el estado fascista indio han procedido en los días pasados a la detención de miles de activistas para evitar su participación en una Marcha de denuncia de los asesinatos de guerrilleros maoístas cometidos en falsos encuentros armados y en realidad ejecuciones sumarias.
Pese a toda la charlatanería que vociferan de que la guerrilla naxalita esta aislada y que no cuenta con el respaldo del pueblo, actos fascistas como estos, la detención de hasta 10.000 personas, demuestra que el movimiento revolucionario maoísta tiene un amplio respaldo popular en las sectores más pobres y oprimidos y en sectores activistas y de intelectuales de izquierda.
Según los medios oficiales la Policía india detuvo el miércoles a cientos de activistas de partidos de izquierda y de otras organizaciones de masas en Telangana para detener su marcha a la Asamblea estatal en protesta por asesinato de dos maoístas. Según denuncian las organizaciones populares fueron detenidas 10.000 personas en todo el Estado de Telangana .
Dirigentes y trabajadores de diversas organizaciones fueron detenidos en distintos barrios de Hyderabad para evitar su participación en la marcha convocada por el Frente Democrático de Telangana (TDF) para protestar por los asesinatos de dos guerrilleros naxalitas en un falso encuentro.
Entre los detenidos esta el académico Chuka Ramaiah que fue mantenido bajo arresto domiciliario en Hyderabad pero el cual dijo que las detenciones no van a lograr detener el movimiento.
Telangana: Hundreds arrested for protesting Maoists’ killings
Hundreds of activists from Left parties and other mass organisations across Telangana were arrested on Wednesday to halt their march to the state assembly to protest killing of two Maoists by police. Leaders and workers of various organisations were detained in different districts to prevent them from heading to Hyderabad for participating in the march called by the Telangana Democratic Front (TDF). Academician Chuka Ramaiah was kept under house arrest in Hyderabad but he said arrests will not stop the movement.
The assembly building in the heart of the city virtually turned into a fortress as police imposed restrictions on all roads leading towards the assembly. A large number of policemen were deployed in the area to prevent protesters. Tension prevailed at Osmania University as students gathered on the campus to march in violation of the prohibitory orders imposed by police. Policemen in riot gear were deployed at the gates to prevent students from coming out. Scores of students and their leaders were arrested at Osmania University and Nizam College hostels since Tuesday night. Police denied permission to the march on the ground that Maoists may participate in it and indulge in violence.
Those arrested in districts like Warangal, Khammam, Mahabubnagar, Karimnagar, Medak and Nalgonda include women and students. Raising slogan against the government and calling for an end to “fake encounters”, the protesters took out rallies in different parts of the state. Communist Party of India-Marxist Telangana state secretary T. Veerabhadram said 3,000 to 4,000 activists were arrested across the state. He termed the arrests as undemocratic. Maoists Shruthi and Vidyasagar were killed near Medaram of Warangal district on September 16. It was the first such killing after the formation of separate Telangana state last year. Terming it as a “fake encounter”, 370 organisations, including 10 left parties and the groups which fought for separate Telangana state, have come together under the banner of TDF to condemn the killings. It is demanding probe by a sitting judge.
Democracy and Class Struggle says these 10,000 arrests across Telangana State gets reduced to a few hundred in the small coverage that Western Media including Russian Media accords to these events repeating the lies of Indian Government Media.
The invisibility of these real struggles for democracy in India in Western Media as well as the hypocrisy of most of the deaf dumb and blind Western Left in dealing with the outrages in Hinduvuta BRICS India drives us to a combination of outrage and despair.
We are however sustained by a profound belief in the Indian Masses who have demonstrated outstanding courage in facing down the Fascism in your Face of Hinduvuta of The Modi Monstrosity and who will not let India be turned in the living fascist nightmare that it has become in Telangana Today..
Harsh Thakor Writes :
Today a rally in Hyderabad in Andhra Pradesh to protest against the fascistic encounters by the Andhra Pradesh police force was foiled by the security forces.
The state armed police pounced on the protestors and arrested them.
Such an act is an abject lesson to all democrats or progressive forces about how one cannot place faith in the so-called liberal bourgeois democracy.
Day by day the state's policies are becoming more and more repressive or fascistic.
In the past we had several protests against encounters by organizations in joint fronts which were allowed like in 1985.
We learn how the current state tramples upon democratic movements and only projects an image of being democratic.It teaches us that the govt only has semblances of bourgeois democracy and is turning fascistic.
Blessed by the tentacles of Hindutva or communal fascism the state is using every pretext of curbing democracy.
Even activists of parliamentary left parties were arrested.
Today any forum sympathetic to the C.P.I.(Maoist) is suppressed brutally
This is unconstitutional and undemocratic as any person in a democracy has a right to express his ideological belief.
We need to form organizations of forums defending the people's right to struggle not affiliated to any political group.
Dark days of emergency are appearing in another form as well as years of encounters like in the previous decades.
In spite of facing such severe repression the C.P.I.(Maoist) is fighting back heroically through forums like Virasam.
The response to the rally from Telengana resembled a bonfire lit or a tornado appearing..
Today revolutionary democratic organizations are forced to work from underground like the Andhra Pradesh Radical Students Union in the time of emergency or also in the late 1990's,
The tentacles of the state will not defeat the of the broad masses whose revolutionary spirit will will be ressurrected even further after this massive suppression.
A march by Telangana Democratic Front (TDF) members to the assembly here to protest killing of two Maoists by the police was foiled on Wednesday as many leaders in Hyderabad and other districts were arrested.
Leaders and workers of various organisations were detained in different districts to prevent them from heading for Hyderabad to participate in the march.
Eminent academician Chuka Ramaiah was kept under house arrest in Hyderabad.
He said arrests will not stop the movement.
Well-known revolutionary writer Varavara Rao was taken into custody at RTC Cross Roads when he along with his supporters were proceeding towards the assembly building.
Leaders of CPI, CPI-M and other Left parties and people's organisations were arrested at Bagh Lingampally, from where the TDF planned to march to the assembly.
Those arrested include TDF president Chada Venkat Reddy, professor P.L. Visweswara, professor Vinod Kumar and CPI-M state secretary T. Veerabhadram.
The assembly building in the heart of the city virtually turned into a fortress as police imposed restrictions on all roads leading towards the assembly. A large number of policemen were deployed in the area to prevent protesters.
Tension prevailed at Telangana martyrs' memorial at Gun Park in front of the assembly building when a youth tried to immolate self.
Alert policemen prevented him from doing so and arrested him.
Tension prevailed at Osmania University as students gathered on the campus to march in violation of the prohibitory orders imposed by police. Policemen in riot gear were deployed at the gates to prevent students from coming out.
PDSU activists took out a rally from girls' hostel but were stopped at NCC Gate by the police.
A heated argument ensued between student leaders and the police officers. The protesters were arrested.
Police also arrested two more groups of students including one at the library. Student leaders took strong exception to police entering the hostels and library. Scores of students and their leaders were arrested at Osmania University and Nizam College hostels since Tuesday night.
Police denied permission to the march on the ground that Maoists may participate in it and indulge in violence.
Those arrested in districts like Warangal, Khammam, Mahabubnagar, Karimnagar, Medak and Nalgonda include women and students.
Raising slogan against the government and calling for an end to "fake encounters", the protesters took out rallies in different parts of the state.
Veerabhadram said 3,000 to 4,000 activists were arrested across the state. He termed the arrests as undemocratic.
Maoists Shruthi and Vidyasagar were killed near Medaram of Warangal district on September 16.
It was the first such killing after the formation of separate Telangana state last year.
Terming it as a fake encounter, 370 organisations, including 10 left parties and the groups which fought for separate Telangana state, have come together under the banner of TDF to condemn the killings.
It is demanding probe by a sitting judge.
While denying permission for 'chalo assembly', police said it was reliably learnt that TDF was formed at the instance of CPI-Maoist and the programme was being organised in support of its cause and the ideology.
for Saibaba – Yeni Democracy – info
Ölümsüzleşen Maoist Saibaba için cenaze töreni düzenlendi 7 Ekim’de
ölümsüzleşen Maoist Prof. Dr. G.N. Saibaba için bugün Haydarabad’taki
evinde cenaze tör...
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As many of you may have noticed the frequency of updates on Signalfire has
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Kämpft gegen die Luftangriffe auf Bastar!
Wir dokumentieren an dieser Stelle einen Text des Dandakaranya Special
Zonal Committee, welches mit folgenden Einleitenden Worten auf
DemVolkeDienen veröff...