
martes, 23 de febrero de 2016

Llamado a la Semana Internacional de Acción del 2 al 9 abril 2016 por la liberación incondicional de todos los presos políticos en la India

Call for International week of action 2th-9th Avril 2016

Unconditioned release for all political prisoners in India!

Solidarity with all political prisoners in the world!

Stop Green Hunt!

Support People's war in India!

In India more than 10.000 political prisoners are languishing in jails. They are leaders, cadres and members of the COI (Maoist) and PLGA; Adivasi villagers who resisted the forced evacuation; peasants who struggled against the MOUs signed by governments and TNCs to exploit the people and continue the imperialist looting of natural resources; activists of the national minorities organized against the rising threat of Hindu communal fascism; intellectuals as Dr Saibaba, artists, students and activists other democratic organizations, guilty of standing on the side of the people facing the war on people waged by the Indian state; people's women, feminists, united to rebel against the huge escalation of rapes, committed in part by the armed and police forces and paramilitary fascist squads sponsored by the State. In jails the prisoners face every kind of harassment, torture, denial of bails, inhumane living conditions, arbitrary transfers, brutal assaults and punishments of solitary confinement, and often the detained women are raped.
In spite of the fierce condition of detention, prisoners are resisting and struggling with revolutionary spirit and turning the dark jails in which are confined into a battlefront against the raising fascism in India and the Indian regime.
The struggle for their unconditional release is an urgent task for all the solidarity forces and it is integrant part of the support for the victory of their liberation war.
All India is more and more turned by the ruling classes into a “prison house of people's movements”. The Indian ruling classes, under the guidance and with the assistance of imperialists, launched the multi-pronged and country-wide offensive called Operation Green Hunt. This is supposed aimed to wipe out the Maoist movement but it is in fact it targets and is aimed to suppress any genuine democratic demand of the people. Thousands of revolutionary and democratic mass organizations leaders and members have been assassinated, tortured and put in jails. Blamed under false cases, many of them are facing harsh punishments, under the draconian laws adopted by the central and state governments, that brand people's leaders and strugglers as 'anti-national or terrorists'
Imperialist economic and financial crisis is intensifying continuously and also the imperialist aggressions and reactionary wars intensify. In this situation, the Modi's brahmanical fascist BJP government have given top priority in their agenda to annihilate at the earliest the Maoist struggle, the newly shaping people's political power organs, the Krantikari Janatana Sarkar (Revolutionary People's Committees) and to plunder country's natural wealth at a speedy pace at any cost. Modi, who is the first servant of domestic and foreign Corporate Houses, has not only initiated but is also aggressively implementing the third phase of Operation Green Hunt. In this context, Modi's regime proposed aerial attacks on Adivasi areas.
Indian Maoists appeal all revolutionary parties and organizations, international solidarity organizations, trade unions, renowned democratic progressive intellectuals, workers, peasants, students, youth, artists, writers, scientists, environmentalists, teachers, to raise their voice against the decision of aerial attacks on adivasi majority areas and to take to streets in protest.
The liberation war of the masses in India cannot be stopped by the savage repression, rather it extends the political and moral solidarity to the people's war.
The International Committee in Support of the People's War in India launches an International Week of Action a from 2nd to 9th of April 2016 all around the world.
In this week all initiatives will express solidarity with all political prisoners in the jails of imperialism and reactionary regimes and support to all struggles for their liberation.

International Committee to Support the People’s War in India csgpindia@gmail.com

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