
jueves, 30 de enero de 2014

Informe sobre las actividades en Alemania con motivo del 25 de enero - Día Internacional de Solidaridad con los Presos Políticos en la India

Report on the activities in Germany for international day of action in support of the people’s war in India on 25th January 2014

(Bericht auf Deutsch)

In Germany different actions regarding the international day of action in solidarity with the people’s war in India were realized by various anti-imperialist organizations. In Hamburg, the actions were carried out by the League against imperialist aggression (BGIA). Two thousand leaflets were distributed with the translated call of the International Committee and a call to action in Hamburg. There were hundreds of posters glued especially in working-class neighborhoods and near political centers. On Wednesday, 22nd January, the film Chakravyuh was shown to an audience familiar with the issue. In the following discussion it was clarified that it is a reactionary film. There was critizism, inter alia, of the presentation of the comrades and the reactionaries. Furthermore, parallels were drawn to earlier situations of highly successful people’s wars, where similar composition was used: Movies which admit problems in society, but at the same time making propaganda for a reconciliation and peace with the old. On 25th January despite 10° below zero some 30 people participated in the rally of the BGIA. Speeches were held by ATIK, the Network freedom for all political prisoners, the Red Women’s Committee of Hamburg and SoL. The moderation clarified in relation to the current situation in Hamburg, what real danger zones (“Gefahrengebiete”) for reactionaries are and stressed out the importance of people’s war for the battle here in the country.
We are particularly pleased about the activities of young revolutionaries from Leipzig, who have realized important actions. A banner was hung up at the Tubestation Sellerhausen and an expressive graffiti in the neighborhood park in Rabet was painted. In addition, the Anti-Fascist Offensive Leipzig (AOL) mobilized for the day of action with their own propaganda that highlighted the connection between the struggle of the Indian comrades with the struggle in this country. In Berlin the Red Youth Berlin (RJB) distributed hundreds of leaflets and organized an solidarity evening where revolutionary music of the cultural groups of the Indian party was played. There were calls for the day of action and other internationalist and anti-imperialist propaganda. In Berlin-Neukölln slogans like “Freedom for the revolutionaries in India! ” were sprayed by young revolutionaries. In Cologne activists sprayed the slogan “Stop Green Hunt!” inside the railway station of Köln-Mülheim .
In general, the activities regarding the international day of action were at the level of the previous days of action. The efforts of friends in Leipzig, entering the solidarity work, were quite important because they bring new ideas and new momentums to the work.
Unconditional release of all revolutionary prisoners and prisoners of war!
Victory to the People’s War in India!
Workers of all countries and peoples of the world unite!
League against imperialist agression
Hamburg, Germany, January 2014
Speech of Revoluionäre Jugend Berlin



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