
sábado, 29 de diciembre de 2012

[Video] Historia de la Revolución Naxalita - PCI (Maoísta)

Este vídeo es un documento excepcional que fue elaborado por el Partido Comunista de la India (Maoísta) en 2005, por lo que es un documento de suma importancia para comprender la historia de la Guerra Popular y el movimiento maoísta en la India.

El vídeo está narrado en inglés pero las imágenes hablan por si solas.

El documental muestra imágenes de las zonas rojas de la India. Tambien se ven imagenes del levantamiento de las masas, la rebelión y la revolución en todo el mundo.

Además incluye imágenes de la derrota del imperialismo yanki por el pueblo vietnamita, la victoria y el éxito de la Revolución del Pueblo Chino y de las rebeliones masivas en las calles sacudiendo las ciudadelas del imperialismo.

Muestra la dialectica del desarrollo de la revolución, tanto en las naciones oprimidas como opresoras, agitando los fundamentos del sistema imperialista, demostrando una vez más que "todos los imperialistas y los reaccionarios son tigres de papel ".

Hoy, en la India, las fuerzas comunistas revolucionarias más fuertes están unidas en el Partido Comunista de la India (Maoísta), que lidera la revolución en la India a través del desarrollo de la Guerra Popular .

Esta película es una saga de Movimiento Revolucionario Comunista de la India iniciado por el histórico levantamiento de Naxalbari en mayo de 1967, rompiendo las cadenas del revisionismo que había envuelto el movimiento por décadas.

Desde el primer Congreso del Partido Comunista de India (Marxista-Leninista) celebrado en 1970 y su segundo congreso celebrado más de tres décadas después, en 2001 bajo el nombre de Partido Comunista de la India (Marxista-Leninista) (Guerra Popular). Una saga de heroísmo y sacrificio frente a un enemigo brutal enmascado falsamente como la "democracia más grande del mundo".

Hoy el proceso revolucionario que se desarrolla en la India, no sin dificultades y enfrentando una represión despiadada apoyada por el imperialismo, levanta a millones de oprimidos y es una esperanza para todos los oprimidos del mundo. 

Todos los comunistas y revolucionarios consecuentes deben apoyar y dar a conocer este proceso y por supuesto el mejor apoyo es trabajar por realizar la revolución en el propio país de cada uno.

¡ Viva el Partido Comunista de la India (Maoísta) !
¡ Apoyar la Guerra Popular en la India !
¡ Extender la Guerra Popular y la Revolución en todo el Mundo !

jueves, 27 de diciembre de 2012

Trabajadores indios de una plantación de té queman vivo al propietario

Cientos de trabajadores de una plantación de té en la India han protagonizado una venganza y rebelión en el estado de Assam, según informa la cadena británica BBC.

El suceso tuvo lugar el pasado miércoles en la localidad de Kunapathar. Allí, en una plantación de té, centenares de recolectores mantenían desde hacía dos semanas una seria disputa con el propietario.

Según informa la policía, éste había pedido a algunos trabajadores que abandonaran el lugar, lo que provocó la ira general. El miércoles, 700 de ellos rodearon el 'bungalow' del propietario, donde se encontraba dentro, junto a su esposa, y le prendieron fuego. Ambos ardieron vivos.

La policía ha detenido por el momento a tres trabajadores relacionados con la muerte de Mridul Kumar Bhattacharyya y su mujer, Rita.

Bhattacharyya ya había sufrido otro serio incidente en el año 2010, cuando otro grupo de trabajadores prendieron fuego a su fábrica de té. Los atacantes alegaron que Bhattacharyya les había disparado anteriormente cuando protestaban por el ataque a una mujer de la zona.

En los últimos años, varios propietarios de plantaciones de té han sufrido ataques de airados trabajadores.

Los perros explotadores de vez en cuando reciben la medicina que merecen cuando a los obreros se les acaba la paciencia de aguantar sus abusos y explotación. En India son frecuentes las rebeliones de obreros que acaban con la vida de sus perros exprimidores y es que la Guerra Popular que se desarrolla en el país dirigida por el PCI (Maoísta) alienta la rebelión de los más oprimidos.
¡ Viva la Guerra Popular en la India!

lunes, 24 de diciembre de 2012

Protestas y represión en India

Visto en http://elbloquerojo.wordpress.com/

Este es el país donde hay una poderosa Guerra Popular dirigida por el PCI (Maoísta), que paradogicamente va a ser sede del lamado "Premio Internacional Kim Jong-il".

Y es que tiene bemoles que "estos anti-imperialistas" vayan a elegir a un Estado tan fascista y criminal para ser sede de este premio.

En realidad este premio es creado por el otro bando imperialista en disputa con el imperialismo de USA y Europa.

¡¡¡ Muerte a todos los Imperialismos !!!

¡¡¡ Viva la Guerra Popular en la India!!!


jueves, 20 de diciembre de 2012

Maoístas pegan carteles llamando a la Guerra Popular en Bihar

El Partido Comunista de la India (Maoísta) ha realizado durante la presente semana pega masiva de carteles, distribución de afiches y volantes en Bihar.

En ellos el PCI (Maoísta) llama al pueblo a unirse a la Guerra Popular para derrocar a las clases dominantes indias.

Los carteles fueron pegados el 17 de diciembre y los volantes distribuidos en varias área de mercado en Panapur y Chhapra en el distrito de Saran.

También han sido pegados carteles anunciando un acto político en Muzaffarpur para el 21 de diciembre, informa The Times de la India. Estos últimos carteles han sido presentados en nombre de varias organizaciones de masas incluyendo Shoshit Samaj Dal, Janwadi Majdoor Kisan Sangh, Jan Pratirodh Sangharsh Manch, Janwadi Mahila Samiti y Krantikari Chhatra Naujawan Sangh.

¡ Viva la Guerra Popular en la India !


miércoles, 19 de diciembre de 2012

El PCI (Maoísta) respalda la huelga de los maestros en Chhattisgarh

La huelga de los profesores en curso en Chhattisgarh es una bola de nieve y una gran preocupación para el gobierno indio.

Mientras que los maestros se niegan a volver a trabajar hasta que sus demandas básicas se cumplan, el proscrito Partido Comunista de la India (Maoísta) ha apoyado la huelga.

La huelga, que ya va en su segunda semana, está creciendo día a día y los agitadores están usando nuevos métodos para denunciar al gobierno, mientras que la Asamblea está debatiendo sus demandas. El gobierno, sin embargo, se negó categóricamente a cumplir con las demandas. Los maestros demandan derechos laborables para los maestros tribales y un aumento sustancial de sueldo. Demandan que los maestros tribales tengan el mismo salario que los demás maestros y que se les permita trabajar en el Ministerio de Educación

Lo que preocupa a un sector de la administración más que las demandas de los docentes es el apoyo y solidaridad del PCI (Maoísta) al movimiento magisterial. El sábado un bandh (huelga) convocada por el PCI (Maoísta) se observó en el distrito Narainpur para apoyar las demandas de los maestros. Hace un par de días informaba la prensa local (para criminalizar) que los profesores gritaban 'Lal Salam' - saludos rojos - y 'amenazaban' con tomar las armas si sus demandas eran ignoradas.

Por otra parte la guerrilla maoísta quemo ayer 18 vehiculos de una empresa de construcción en el distrito de Singhbum en West Jharkhand. Alrededor de 60 a 70 guerrilleros maoístas atacaron el campamento de la empresa privada en la aldea de Mahadeosaal. La guerrilla solicitó al personal de la empresa apagar todos los teléfonos móviles y abandonar los vehículos antes de proceder a prenderlos fuego.

¡Viva la Guerra Popular en la India!


martes, 18 de diciembre de 2012

La guerrilla maoísta del PLGA lanza campaña de agitación política

Con motivo del reciente aniversario del Ejército Guerrillero Popular de Liberación (PLGA) la Comisión Militar Central del Partido Comunista de la India (Maoísta) ha pedido al pueblo para propagar la causa maoísta y contrarrestar la campaña de criminalización del gobierno hindú contra ellos poniendo especial atención a la agitación política.

Los maoístas, que en otros aniversarios realizaron un bandh (huelga general) para conmemorar el aniversario de PLGA, en esta ocasión, en un comunicado emitido el 30 de noviembre han decidido no llamar a un bandh en este momento y han solicitado más programas masivos de propaganda política.

El PCI (Maoísta) hizo un llamamiento a " la realización de reuniones, concentraciones y manifestaciones a gran escala en todos y cada uno de los pueblos para propagar el objetivo político de la Guerra Popular librada por el PLGA y para derrotar a la" Operación Cacería Verde ". La declaración fue emitida por Deoji en nombre de la Comisión Militar central.

¡Viva la Guerra Popular en la India!

[Poema] Martir por Meena Kandasamy

Meena Kandasamy es una poeta y activista revolucionaria india que se ha posicionado del lado de los oprimidos alzados en armas en Guerra Popular en su tierra. Por ello ha recibido amenazas de muerte.


A militant, whom my lines
cannot hold whom my lips
cannot kiss whom my eyes
cannot hide whom my memory
cannot mark with a date
of birth or even death.

No knowledge of her village
laid waste, then displaced and
no mention of her songs
seeking to seize a state and
no sign of a red star where
she had stashed her dreams.

In this book of martyrs
only that blood-drenched
story in three bold words:
“One Woman Comrade”
to say she died fighting
for the people.

sábado, 15 de diciembre de 2012

Maoístas incursionan en áreas de plantación de té en Assam

Según las fuerzas gubernamentales el Partido Comunista de la India (Maoísta) esta incursionando y realizando avances considerables en las zonas de plantación de té en Assam.

Líder del Congreso de la zona tiene previsto reunirse en los próximos días con el primer ministro indio, Manmohan Singh, el Ministro del Interior y Sonia Gandhi para buscar su ayuda en el control de los avances del Partido Comunista de la India-Maoísta (PCI-Maoísta) en las plantaciones de té.

Secretario parlamentario del Congreso dijo al respecto: "Habitado por pueblos tribales, las áreas de la plantación en el estado se han convertido en un terreno fértil para el crecimiento de los maoístas. Si no podemos parar esto ahora mismo, no tardaríamos en llegar un punto de no retorno ". Sahu añadió: "Los maoístas ya han hecho trabajo de campo preliminar en las plantaciones de té. No es fácil distinguir entre un adivasi de Chhattisgarh, Jharkhand y Bengala Occidental".

¡Apoyar la Guerra Popular en la India!

viernes, 7 de diciembre de 2012

Los maoístas aniquilan a un lider del grupo paramilitar Salwa Judum

El Ejército Guerrillero Popular de Liberación (PLGA) ha llevado a cabo hoy un golpe muy importante pues ha dado muerte a un destacado líder del grupo paramilitar Salwa Judum.

El PLGA embosco hoy a Chhinnaram Gota, destacado líder de Salwa Judum, y dos policias que lo escoltaban. En la emboscada resultaron muertos Chhinnaram Gota y un policia que lo acompañaba. El otro policia resulto herido de gravedad.

El incidente tuvo lugar cuando Chinnaram, acompañado por dos agentes de policía, visitaba la zona de Farsegarh, a alrededor de 350 kilometros de distancia de la capital del estado, en el distrito de Bijapur en Chhattisgarh.

El policía Jawan Budhram Toke, que resultó gravemente herido en el ataque, fue trasladado al hospital del distrito.

Según la policía, Chinnaram era un líder prominente del grupo paramilitar Salwa Judum y estaba en la lista negra de los maoístas desde hacia mucho tiempo. Fue atacado anteriormente por lo menos en tres ocasiones por los maoístas, tras lo cual se le proporcionó protección policial.

Salwa Judum (Campaña por la Paz) es un movimiento paramilitar contrainsurgente organizado por el gobierno indio que se inspira en las “aldeas estratégicas” creadas por los yankis en Vietnam y que se basan en utilizar a civiles para enfrentar a la insurgencia comunista. Este grupo paramilitar es responsable de numerosas muertes y excesos en las zonas de influencia maoísta. Mas información sobre este grupo paramilitar en este enlace: http://www.lahaine.org/index.php?p=20182

¡ Viva la Guerra Popular en la India!


martes, 4 de diciembre de 2012

Acciones guerrilleras y de agitación durante la semana de aniversario del PLGA

En la presente semana, que se celebra el aniversario del Ejército Guerrillero Popular de Liberación (PLGA), la guerrilla maoísta ha protagonizado diversas acciones de agitación y propaganda así como ataques guerrilleros.

Ayer los maoístas incendiaron tres torres de telefonía móvil en Odisha. Los guerrilleros incendiaron las salas de baterías de tres torres de telefonía móvil en Boipariguda en el distrito de Koraput.

Por otra parte el Ejército Guerrillero Popular de Liberación (PLGA) celebro en sus campos de entrenamiento en los bosques de Koraput y Malkangiri actos de proselitismo entre las masas pobres de la zona. Llamaron al pueblo a unirse a la lucha armada revolucionaria contra las clases dominantes.

Los maoístas también lanzaron una campaña propagandística consistente en enlucir las paredes de las ciudades y pueblos de Malkangiri, Koraput y Gajapati con carteles revolucionarios. Los carteles instan al pueblo a apoyar la Guerra Popular. Uno de los carteles decia que el PLGA pronto sería rebautizado como PLA (Ejército Popular Liberación ).

Por otra parte según el gobierno indio las actividades de los maoístas se han extendido a nuevas zonas de Odisha por lo que quieren enviar nuevos contingentes paramilitares para enfrentar la amenaza maoísta en estas zonas.

¡ Apoyar la Guerra Popular en la India,
la experanza naxalita de los oprimidos del mundo!

¡ Viva la Guerra Popular en la India!


Comunicado de la Comisión Militar Central del PCI (Maoísta)



Press Release

November 30, 2012

Oppose the brutal offensives of the Indian Ruling Classes!

Intensify People’s War & Defeat

the ‘Operation Green Hunt’ – ‘War on People’!

Oppose and fight back the deployment of Indian Army in Bastar in the guise of establishing training camp for suppression of the revolutionary movement!

Call of the Central Military Commission – CPI (Maoist)

On the occasion of the PLGA 12th anniversary celebrations

Dear comrades, beloved people!

People’s Liberation Guerilla Army (PLGA) was formed on December 2, 2000 for the victory of Indian New Democratic Revolution as part of the World Socialist Revolution and as a detachment of the International Army of the Proletariat in the path shown by the great revolutionary teachers of the Indian revolution Comrades Charu Mazumdar and Kanhai Chatterjee. By December 2, 2012 it would complete 12 years of its formation. The Central Military Commission (CMC) is giving a call on this occasion to conduct 12th PLGA anniversary weekly celebrations in all the guerilla zones and red resistance areas and to expand by intensifying guerilla warfare to defeat through People’s War - ‘Operation Green Hunt’ (OGH) (War on People) carried on by the exploiting ruling classes.

In the past one year nearly hundred beloved daughters and sons of the oppressed masses and common people laid down their most invaluable lives. The leader of the Indian revolutionary movement, General of People’s War, our Politburo member and the beloved son of the oppressed masses – Comrade Mallojual Koteswarlu alias Kishenji lost his life in a fake encounter in the conspiracy of the Central and Bengal state governments and the central intelligence agencies including the Bengal SIB. Dandakaranya Special Zone Committee member Comrade Harak (Srikant) was martyred due to ill-health, North Telangana Special Zone Committee member Comrade Gundeti Sankar (Seshanna) was martyred due to snake bite and Bihar-Jharkhand-North Chhattisgarh Special Area leader Comrade Ajay Ganju was martyred in the hands of the enemy in Kunda forests of Chhatra district of Jharkhand. Comrade Siddharth Burgohain, leading team member (Regional Committee level) of Asom was martyred in a fake encounter along with three comrades. In Dandakaranya Comrade Vijay (South Regional Committee member) was martyred in an accident and senior party activist comrade Swaroopa (Sunita) was martyred due to ill-health. Comrade BSA Satyanarayana, leader of working class movements and people’s lawyer, Comrade Goru Madhava Rao, veteran of Srikakulam Struggle and epitome of staunch communist commitment, Comrade Penduru Bhim Rao, Adivasi leader breathed their last this year. Nearly 60 common people and activists of mass organizations and Revolutionary People’s Committees lost their lives due to police brutality. 19 unarmed people were killed in cold blood in the Sarkinguda massacre in the Basaguda area of Bijapur district in Dandakaranya. Let us pay red homage to each one of these martyrs and vow to fulfill their dreams.

The Indian ruling classes are implementing in a structured manner the counter-revolutionary LIC strategy under the guidance of the U.S. imperialists with the aim of wiping out the Indian revolutionary movement. The various tactical counter offensive campaigns and military actions taken up as part of resistance by the PLGA in the past one year in various guerilla zones to resist this had a good political impact. A total of 114 police died and more than 191 were injured in several single actions, operations and ambushes such as – the ambush near Gorgonda (Sukma) on the vehicle of Koya Commando commanders Kartam Surya and Kicha Nanda, the massive brave ambush conducted on the convoy of CRPF and CoBRA forces near Pusutola (Gadchiroli), Irpugutta ambush (Kanker), Kirandul night ambush (Dantewada), the ambush on butcher Mahendra Karma, the leader of Salwa Judum (Dantewada) – all in Dandakaranya; the valiant ambush on mine-proof vehicle near Bargarh (Garhwa), Kharanji Tungi ambush (Latehar), the brave attack on the enemy helicopter in Labhar forest area (Latehar), the ambush on NH-2 (Latehar), the attack on the escort vehicle in Giridih town & release of eight Maoist prisoners – all in Jharkhand; the battles waged by PLGA on the CRPF and CoBRA forces on the same day in Baltor and Dumaria forests in Gaya district of Bihar, the ambush on mine-proof vehicle near Sakarbandha; the Janniguda (Dyke 3) ambush (Chitrakonda-Balimela road), the single action in Sileru – in AOB; the Badarpanga ambush in Odisha (Kandhamal), the night ambush in North Telangana and the Gaoltor ambush in West Bengal (Lalgarh). PLGA seized 29 weapons from them. Due to the guerilla actions of the PLGA the ruling classes were forced to deploy more forces in our areas and to decentralize forces in vast areas. As a result, PLGA forces were successful in fighting back the enemy offensive.

From mid-2011 the ruling classes increased their offensives on the movement areas. These operations are being carried out with the aim of damaging our movement areas and damaging our coordination by cutting up our areas into parts. Massacres like the one at Sarkinguda on the people and murders of activists are increasing. Reactionary gangs like Salwa Judum, Nagrik Suraksha Samity, TPC, SPM, Harmad Bahini, Bhairav Sena, Santi Committee and Santi Sangam, secret vigilante gangs, police, paramilitary and commando forces are together resorting to such massacres. The National Counter-Terrorism Center (NCTC) to be newly formed by the central government to fight back Maoists and ‘terrorists’ would turn out to be the ‘biggest threat even to the namesake sovereignty, peace, security, freedom, democracy and right to live of the people’.

The Indian government is deploying Army to wipe out the revolutionary movement. They are constructing all the infra structure needed for the offensives to be conducted by the Army and the Air Force. Air Bases are being built in several areas in Chhattisgarh (CG), Vidarbha, Andhra Pradesh (AP), Bihar, Jharkhand and Odisha for conducting Air Force attacks in support of the Army offensives. There are building 400 fortified police stations in the four tri-junctions – AP-CG-Maharashtra; AP-CG-Odisha; CG-Jharkhand-Odisha and Odisha-West Bengal-Jharkhand and strengthening carpet security. They are giving training, weapons and equipment to their forces to fight back any kind of attacks by our PLGA forces. They are speeding up their preparations for drone (UAV) attacks and are concentrating on annihilating the leadership in the field. The central government decided to build 2200 communication towers in areas of Naxalite influence. With the aim of keeping surveillance on the movements of guerillas in thick forests they launched Resat-1 satellite in end April 2012. They are intensifying reforms with the aim of splitting the revolutionary camp and increasing the social base of the exploiting classes. They are economically benefiting a section of people amongst the political leaders, officials, contractors, tribal elders/bad gentry, rich and middle peasants and are utilizing them as their social base. They are waging incessant psychological warfare by propagating on one hand that socialism-communism are outdated and that they can never emerge victorious and on the other hand are urging those inside revolutionary camp to join the police or as informers by deserting the revolutionary movement as they would be wiping it within 5-10 years and as they could never win. They are encouraging liquidators like Savyasachi Panda and trying to fizzle out the movement.

Resorting to heinous, cruel and inhuman offensives on the revolutionaries and the oppressed masses to hand over billions of dollars worth riches to the imperialist corporations, loot of resources and wiping out the alternative people’s political power that is budding under the leadership of the Maoist party is the aim of the Indian ruling classes and their imperialist masters. CMC is calling upon the oppressed masses and all well-wishers of the people to defeat the offensive of the Indian State by intensifying the People’s War and democratic and political agitations all over the country.

Dear Comrades, beloved people!

The financial crisis of world capitalism is deepening and expanding further. The imperialists are contending with each to loot all kinds of sources (human, material) in the backward countries apart from increasing exploitation on the workers and middle classes in their countries in order to overcome this crisis. Attacks on Sikhs, East Asians, South Asians, Muslims and Arabs increased a lot as racism is increasing outrageously in the imperialist countries. Workers, youth, women and middle classes are agitating in several European countries against these neo-liberal economic policies. Proletarian parties and progressive people’s organizations are gaining strength again. Anti-imperialist struggles are intensifying in various forms in all the backward countries. As pro-U.S. rulers had again come to power after the Arab Spring in another guise, people are inevitably realizing the need to choose the revolutionary path. Resistance struggles of oppressed nationalities are continuing in several countries. Muslim people rose like a storm all over the world against the U.S. film that insulted Islam. Advancement of People’s Wars in Philippines and India, revolutionary forces separating themselves from the UCPN (M) in Nepal by opposing its revisionist line, Maoist forces being active in countries such as Turkey, Peru and Bangladesh etc, Maoist organizations and anti-imperialist organizations in several European countries taking up several programs in solidarity to the ongoing People’s War in our country - are all favorable phenomena.

All the fundamental contradictions in our country are intensifying due to the neo-liberal economic policies implemented by the governments. The rich are becoming super rich while the poor are turning paupers. 77 percent of the country’s population is not even in a position to spend 20 rupees a day and suffering from utter poverty. Scams that came to light recently exposed the likes of Rahul Gandhi, Robert Vadhra, central ministers Sarad Pawar, Salman Khurshid and BJP president Nitin Gadkari thoroughly. These economic disparities and corruption are leading to social unrest and are turning into a source for revolution. Adivasis and other peasantry are fighting for Jal-Jungle-Zameen and against displacement. Peasantry is fighting against cut in agrarian subsidies, for fair prices, against adulteration in fertilizers and pesticides, for electricity and for preservation of seeds. People are fighting against price rises, unemployment, famine and starvation deaths. Retail traders are fighting against foreign direct investments. Indian Airlines-Air India pilots, bank and insurance employees, workers and students are fighting against privatization in their sectors. Thousands of workers who were on roads due to lock out of Maruti Suzuki in Gurgaon waged militant struggles. Artisans, fishing communities, women, Dalits, Adivasis – all sections of people are fighting against loss of livelihood and against the exploitation of land lords, comprador bureaucratic bourgeoisie (CBB) and imperialists. In spite of severe repression nationality struggles of the Kashmir and North East for national liberation and independence are rising repeatedly. CMC is calling upon the Indian oppressed masses, patriotic and democratic forces to intensify the People’s War which is decisive and democratic and political agitations with the slogan ‘Let us seize political power through People’s War’.

The reason behind the utter poverty, unemployment, illiteracy and malaises is the exploitation and oppression of Indian big land lords and CBB who are both lackeys of the imperialists. PLGA is fighting with the political aim of establishing a new democratic society where such exploitation and oppression end and a socialist system where there are no economic and social inequalities. We are carrying on armed struggle in the inevitable conditions where this political aim cannot be achieved through peaceful means or in the path of bourgeois parliamentary elections. Several struggles failed in achieving this aim using the above methods during the British colonial rule and in the post-colonial days. Our struggle is neither extremism nor terrorism. This is solely the foul propaganda of the central and state governments. They are propagating that our People’s War is extremism and terrorism with the aim of gaining legitimacy for their fascist offensive on the revolutionary movement. All these exploiters who are mortgaging our country to the imperialists and resorting to scams worth billions of rupees are all betrayers of our country. We are calling upon the people to overthrow these exploiting classes and betrayers of the country and participate in the People’s War ongoing for seizure of political power of the oppressed masses and join the PLGA that is waging this People’s War. Anna Hazare and Arvind Kejriwal who are claiming that they would end corruption are all apologists of the exploiting system in our country. They would be able to bring only some namesake reforms like the Lokpal. Believing them would be deceitful. We are calling upon workers, peasants, students, intellectuals, doctors, lawyers, journalists, artisans, Dalits, Adivasis, women, various minorities, various nationalities, patriots and democrats to participate in the People’s War ongoing for sovereign, independent, democratic India based on freedom, independence and equality and join the PLGA that is leading this People’s War.

Conduct meetings, rallies, demonstrations on a huge scale in each and every village, nook and corner to propagate the political aim of the People’s War waged by the PLGA and to defeat the Operation Green Hunt!

Note : On this occasion we would not observe 'Bandh'. Using this call police creating that type of 'Bandh' atmosphere. Don't believe it.


For Central Military Commission

CPI (Maoist)

Comunicado del PCI (Maoísta)



Press Release

September 21, 2012

Demand immediate roll back of the decision to allow FDI in Retail, Civil Aviation,

Power & Broadcasting Sectors

Do not let the lackey Indian ruling classes and the running dogs of imperialists

in the Parliament to sell our country’s sovereignty to the FDI Giants


The Central government took a Cabinet decision on September 14 to allow 51% FDI (Foreign Direct Investments) in Multi-Brand Retail and facilitating more than 51% in Single Brand Retail, 49% in Civil Aviation, 49% in Power Exchanges and 49 to 74% in Broadcasting sector including DTH and in spite of huge opposition issued a notification on September 20th that would immediately bring this into effect. Now foreign investors can invest in and open retail shops in ten states and Union Territories and the other states can take the decision as to allow it or not. The statutory warning issued in ‘national interests’ on the package says : More FDI in all sectors to come, New Economic Policies of 1991 were the rehearsals, this is the Grand Opening to the beginning of the end of our country, Revolting would be injurious to health.  Adding salt to injury, the price of diesel per litre was increased to 5 rupees and the number of subsidized cooking gas cylinders per family was reduced to a meager six per year.

The opposition parties called for a bandh on September 20 opposing these decisions but going by their past record of vying with each other for the rapid implementation of pro-imperialist policies in the states where they had been or at present in power, one can easily deduce that they are just reenacting the drama of November 2011 of namesake opposition and this whole bunch of gangsters going by the name of UPA and opposition parties are one of the same piece. After these lackeys finish playing their part in this reeking parliamentary farce, the FDI would make its grand imperial front door entry on to the red carpet rolled by the comprador Indian ruling classes, crushing crores of small retail traders and peasants under its iron heels all along its trail to the nook and corners of the country. Sovereignty is just a small price to pay and the number of suicides of small retailers and farmers that would dramatically increase would be the collateral damage that has to be borne to usher in ‘economic growth’ via FDI.

There is a condition that it is up to the state governments whether to implement the FDI decision or not, so the Congress led governments would anyway implement it in their states. While Akali Dal had unashamedly stated that it is for this decision, even the other parties would follow suit through the back door as they are also nothing but comprador parties that had been bending over backwards to fulfill the interests of the imperialist MNCs in their states till date and in every sphere. Trinamool Congress announced its decision to withdraw from the UPA-2 with much reluctance just to save its face and has been indicating that it would give support if the government makes some concessions in these decisions like bringing back the price of diesel per litre to three or four rupees, increasing the number of cooking gas cylinders and may be reducing some percentage of FDI in the multi-brand retail business. Hillary Clinton had already paid a visit to Mamta Banerji precisely on the FDI issue last year and one need not be surprised when she rolls the red carpet to FDI in retail in her state. It is just of matter of timing keeping in view ‘grave’ concerns such as elections, clinging to power etc. Mulayam’s statement that he would  not withdraw support to UPA on the FDI issue as his party does not want the communal forces to go ahead is a white lie. None of these vassals of the Delhi Sarkar have a backbone or any concern for the nearly 4 to 5 crore small retailers (and the 15 to 20 crores of people dependent on them) who would lose their livelihood to the FDI giants. It should be seriously noted that not a single one of them including the revisionist CPI and CPI (M) are totally rejecting the decision to bring in FDI or demanding its complete withdrawal which is proof of their connivance. Their so-called opposition, namesake bandh calls or dharnas are just for more sops for their state which they can guzzle or to loosen the leashes of the umpteen numbers of corruption and scandal cases worth crores of rupees that are in the hands of the central government.

What increase in job opportunities due to entry of FDI is the professional liar PM talking about while the World of Work 2011 report is projecting a bleak future for employment prospects and a global survey of 150 countries is stating that socio-economic insecurity has heightened across the world? The entire record of retail giants like Wal-Mart or a Tesco all over the world including US shows that they had reaped massive unemployment and underemployment wherever they were sowed. A single Wal-Mart store could crush 13,000 small retail stores and take away 4,000 jobs. Behind every job generated there would be at least be 20 lost jobs. Count the number of persons in a family who depend on the income of a single job in a backward country like India and the picture that would emerge is not rosy as the PM projects but bloody. And most of the few jobs that they generate are non-guaranteed, low-paid, back-breaking insecure temporary sweatshop jobs and violate all the hard-won labor rights and laws. The heads of every government in Europe and other imperialist countries including US are holding their heads as to how to tackle the problem of unemployment and the ensuing and intensifying protests against their economic policies and all the MNC vultures that are perching in India now were born and brought up in these countries. How are they going to shower jobs on us when they failed miserably in their own countries to create jobs? Does the PM, the ‘Art of Lying’ Guru, think we have forgotten how Obama who came with his entourage to India to sign business deals went back to US touting how he got more jobs for US citizens? Why is he globetrotting for jobs for his citizens when he has MNC giants like Wal-Marts, Tescos, Carrefours and Metros in his own country that could shower jobs? Why doesn’t the PM first ask his bosses in US to stop the crashing of their monopoly giants one after another in spite of any number of bailouts before trying to ‘bring us out of our difficult times’ by bringing in similar monopoly giants?

The PM saying that it would help the farmers in making profits by doing away with the middlemen is a cruel joke. The retail giants would not only dictate what is to be produced, which seeds are be sown, which pesticides and fertilizers are to be used – in a word every aspect of production, but would also drastically reduce the profit margin of the farmers once they gain the upper hand in the market. They would force the farmers to produce a single variety that would not only hit hard the livelihood of the farmers who would now be forced to buy everything at exorbitant prices in the market but would also make the lands barren not to mention the enormous harm to the ecology. The final result would be that the small and middle farmers would not be able to meet the demands of these giants with agriculture increasingly becoming a loss making prospect. They would be forced to sell their lands to corporate farming and becoming paupers. All this would exacerbate the already looming large agrarian crisis in our country leading to more suicides and unrest among the farmers. Even the condition that these outlets should buy 30% local products is a big sham as there is no single mechanism in our country that would monitor the buying and selling done by these shops. Kickbacks would prevent the formation such mechanisms in future or the overarching WTO would take care of the violation or the creation of exceptions to the rule.

But yes, the PM is right on one count. This would do away with the lakhs of small and big middlemen who have been a part of the huge complex chain between the producer and the consumer making a living or even been making some profits. Whether we call them middlemen or something else innumerable persons are needed in the intricate process of  taking the product to the consumer. The question is who would take their place and who would now be pocketing their ‘lost profits’? Certainly not the farmers. Not even the consumers as the prices of commodities would skyrocket once the FDI giants gain the market not to mention the fact that from now on what and all they should consume (eat, drink, wear, see, hear et all) would be decided by the MNCs. (It is a given fact that even now the prices in these outlets are no less anywhere in the world). It would be the Big Middlemen in the Parliament and state assemblies who are behaving like impatient traders in hurry to sell our country for peanuts to the MNCs and pocket the kickbacks. The biggest profits inside the country would go to the CBB who had already tied and would be tying their capital to the MNCs in retail trade and other private enterprises. With the whole world going the monopoly way wouldn’t it be better if the business of middlemen also gets monopolized by these Dons and the pickpockets and petty thieves are done away? After all, India is on its way to becoming a Super Power courtesy US.   

The FM Chidambaram, obviously called back into the job by his US masters to ‘efficiently’ and ‘obediently’ implement such ‘economic reforms’, had expressed confidence that he would get 30,000 crores of rupees from disinvestment and check the fiscal deficit that has been cited by the PM as the monster that has to be tackled by bringing in FDI. Why just 30,000 crores? Let us think BIG. How about disinvesting the Scam Industry that has become the most profitable Public Sector making billions of rupees in the professional hands of our honorable ministers or even just canceling the IPL season once? Ok, we Indians are not ambitious, how about disinvesting just the 2G scam (Rs. 1,75,000 crores) or a slightly bigger and recent coal block allotment scam (Rs. 2 lakh crores)?  How about bringing back not even the entire but at least a quarter of the 80 lakh crores of rupees that are stashed away in foreign banks (according to one estimate) or seizing the profits of mining kings like the Gali brothers and Jaganmohan Reddy not permanently but for just one year so that ‘as PM of this great country’ Mr. Singh can provide health, education, housing and jobs and avoid the forceful feeding of FDI poison that he wants us to swallow for this sake? How about asking the CBB families like Jindals and Mittals to restrict usage of cooking gas cylinders from one cylinder a day to one cylinder a month at least for two years to overcome the present ‘cylinder crisis’ or putting a ban on spending crores of rupees unproductively on building demoniac eye sores like the Antilla and diverting such funds to constructing warehouses, cold storage facilities etc which the PM is saying we can construct only with FDI panacea?

The PM is saying that bringing in FDI is needed to come out of the difficult times our economy is facing and that it would serve ‘national interests’ by making India an attractive destination for foreign investments. Where is the need for FDI when our beloved country India has some of the richest natural resources in the world and its human resources are not only second largest in the world but also one with vast potential? There would be no fiscal deficit or any difficult times (economic crisis) if only these resources are freed from the clutches and exploitation of the big landlords, the comprador bureaucratic bourgeoisie (CBB) and their imperialist masters and the people of this country are allowed to utilize them for the country’s development.

The need of the hour is not disinvestment but divestment of the powers of the gangsters in the Parliament (who are actually ‘illegally’ in power as they do not even have a quarter of the electorate’s mandate and do not have any moral right or credentials to decide the fate of crores of our people) representing the Indian ruling classes to make decisions that impact in the most pernicious manner the lives and livelihoods of the more than hundred and ten crore population of our country the overwhelming majority of whom are workers, poor peasants, urban toilers and middle classes.

It is the imperialists who need our country’s rich resources to come out of the financial crisis that has engulfed them since 2008 and not us who need foreign investments to overcome difficult times.

Our difficult times are due to the exploitation of big land lords, CBB and the placing the sovereignty of our country by these ruling classes at the feet of the imperialists allowing them to loot us lock, stock and barrel and not due to our country not being an attractive destination for FDI.

Beloved people of India! Democrats and Patriots!

Out rightly reject and expose the upside down arguments put forward by the Sonia-Manmohan-Pranab-Chidambaram-Ahluwalia-Rangarajan clique to bring in FDI. Demand the immediate roll back of the decision to allow FDI into Retail and other sectors. Expose the sham and namesake opposition of the opposition parties most of who have long been engaged in back door parleys to implement this decision in their states. The decision to bring in FDI in retail is not some routine decision but could turn out to be the single biggest neo-liberal economic decision of the government that would negatively impact the lives of majority of people in our country. Allowing this would rapidly pave the way for rapidly turning our country which is already facing neck-deep neo-colonial exploitation, plunder and control into a slave country. Not a single aspect our lives or any sector would be left untouched by this decision as every aspect in our life is increasingly getting linked with the market. Realize the dangers this decision is posing to our country and us and fight it back tooth and nail. Let the true patriots rise to preserve the sovereignty of our country from the greedy hands of the imperialist looting monsters.    



Central Committee, CPI (Maoist)

lunes, 3 de diciembre de 2012

Comunicado PCI (Maoísta): Condenar el Imperialismo Cultural de EE.UU que lastima los sentimientos religiosos de los musulmanes de todo el mundo



Press Release

September 20, 2012

Condemn US Cultural Imperialism Hurting

Religious Sentiments of the Muslims Worldwide


A video film named ‘Innocence of Muslims’ made in the USA by a team of anti-Muslim reactionary Christian religious jingoists and made available on various video-sharing sites in the Web hurt the religious sentiments of the Muslims worldwide by insulting the Prophet. This led to massive protests by Muslims all over the world cutting across regions starting from Libya, Tunisia and spreading to Thailand, Indonesia, Pakistan, Afghanistan, Kashmir to India, and particularly in North Africa, West Asia and the Arab World. The CC, CPI (Maoist) is strongly condemning this cultural onslaught of the US imperialists on the religious sentiments of the Muslims and demands unconditional apology from the US government and makers of the film to the Muslims all over the world.

Since 9/11, the US imperialism has been increasingly targeting the Muslims all over the world in the name of so-called ‘War on Terror’ and this offensive has not only been in the political, military and economic spheres but also in social and cultural spheres. This cultural imperialism of the US and its allies ranges from rabid Christian religious chauvinism and the horrors of the Abu Ghraib type tortures to insulting the Prophet and the Quran and other religious symbols of Muslims in cartoons and films in the name of freedom of expression. This cultural onslaught is aimed at maiming the psyche of the Muslims and making them feel inferior so that they would not resist the imperialist aggression and raise against the atrocities committed on them as part of the so-called ‘War on Terror’. But the US imperialists gravely miscalculated. Every insult that is being intended to break the Muslims is boomeranging into a massive protest. Accordingly, the above film has given rise to the biggest protests the world has ever witnessed over a cultural issue ranging from huge demonstrations, protest marches, destruction and burning US flags, property and other symbols to attacks on US embassies and killing of their diplomats.

One must understand that this unprecedented pouring of anger is not just in response to the insulting of the Prophet, but is also part of the pent up hatred against all kinds of atrocities committed by the US imperialists on the Muslim population, particularly in Iraq, Afghanistan and Pakistan and its blatant support to the atrocities on Palestinians by the Zionist Israel. These protests should be seen in a broad sense as part of the anti-imperialist struggles being waged by the people all over the world in all spheres including culture and not just as protests by a religious community concerning an exclusively religious issue. The wars of aggression US and NATO waged to occupy the countries and grab oil resources in the gulf region and the neo-colonial exploitation and plunder of the resource rich Arab and North African countries are the main reason behind the hatred for the US. This assumed religious tones chiefly due to the premeditated and deliberate anti-Islam propaganda and measures taken by the US to break the resistance of the overwhelmingly Muslim majority population in these countries.  

The comprador ruling classes in power in the countries where these protests are raging, true to their character, are trying to suppress the protestors with bullets, tear gas, lathi charges, and arrests. Since decades these ruling classes have been running dogs of the imperialists on the one hand and on the other die-hard dictators over their own people. Even as US drones are pounding the Afghan villages and killings innocent people on a daily basis and the entire Muslim world is erupting in protest against the US cultural onslaught in the form of this film, Karzai is issuing statements that the ‘War on Terror’ must go on and pleading with Obama not to wage this war in Afghan villages. Such puppets are equally responsible for the innumerable atrocities being committed on the Muslims all over the world by the imperialists. They will never uphold the dignity of the Muslim people in the face of such cultural onslaughts and would instead suppress them. It is for the people to expose the true faces of these collaborators.

Stunned by the scale of protests the US government belatedly spent more than 70,000 dollars on advertisements featuring Obama and Hillary Clinton giving messages that US had always respected all religious faiths in a futile attempt to stem the torrent of anger. In the first place, the film was not made by some individual due to his whims and fancies. It is but an integral part of the entire gamut of anti-Islam propaganda that the US government and its allies have sponsored, supported and encouraged overtly and covertly as part of the ‘War on Terror’. It is but the current instance of a series of intentional acts to insult like the burning of the Quran in Afghanistan by US soldiers. If not for this backdrop, such films would not have been so easily made nor found their way to release.

Taking into consideration the huge surveillance system of the US government, believing that the US government was ignorant about the making of this film or its release would at best be innocence and at worst pure deception of self. Even after massive protests the US government has still not taken any steps to arrest the filmmakers, to stop its release or cared to issue an apology to the Muslims. It is trying to buy time and deceive people by issuing namesake and vague condemnations and statements about respecting all religious faiths. History bears witness to the opposite. Moreover it is sending its troops directly into countries like Libya violating their sovereignty on the pretext of protecting its citizens from the protestors.

The Muslim population is not so inexperienced with the malicious tricks of the US imperialism so as not to see through the ruse and that is why with each passing day peaceful as well as violent protests are erupting all over the world against the US and its Western allies. The irresponsible and callous attitude of the Western imperialists, the imperialist era Neros, towards Muslim religious sentiments can be gauged from the fact that even as the world is burning over the film, a magazine published 20 cartoons insulting the Prophet in France and it close down its embassies in 20 countries as a forewarning. With leaders like Hassan Nasrallah of Lebanon with a reputation for having successfully resisted a US-backed Israeli invasion of Lebanon and having anti-imperialist credentials calling for fresh and wide protests against the insulting of the Prophet, the world is witnessing fresh waves of protests.

Every secular-minded person and democrat must participate in these protests and condemn the cultural imperialism of the US and the European imperialists particularly targeting the followers of Islam. Hurting religious sentiments is but one part of this cultural imperialism. The various other tentacles of this cultural imperialist octopus that is trying to strangle the native culture (languages, dialects, eating habits, attire, housing – what not?) in Asia, Africa and Latin American countries must be exposed as part of the protests. Along with demanding an unconditional apology from the US government and the film makers, these protests must turn into broad anti-imperialist struggles, particularly against the US imperialism that is targeting the Muslims in the third world to further its geo-political interests and to grab the oil and other natural resources of those countries.



Central Committee, CPI (Maoist)